All information about the research project Commander Attack Streak II in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander Attack
Commander XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Research Facility 16
Training Speed II 5
6.5K Stone
6.5K Iron
10.0K Food
12K Coin
01:30:00 +1 (inc)
+1 (cum)
84K 600 9.6
2 Research Facility 16
Training Speed II 5
16K Stone
16K Iron
25K Food
28K Coin
09:00:00 +1 (inc)
+2 (cum)
84K 1,400 3.7
3 Research Facility 17
Training Speed II 6
40K Stone
40K Iron
63K Food
64K Coin
1d 21:00:00 +1 (inc)
+3 (cum)
101K 3,200 1.7
4 Research Facility 17
Training Speed II 6
100K Stone
100K Iron
158K Food
147K Coin
4d 03:00:00 +1 (inc)
+4 (cum)
101K 7,350 1.8
5 Research Facility 18
Training Speed II 7
250K Stone
250K Iron
400K Food
340K Coin
9d 01:48:00 +1 (inc)
+5 (cum)
121K 17,000 1.9
6 Research Facility 18
Training Speed II 7
630K Stone
630K Iron
1,000K Food
780K Coin
19d 23:15:00 +1 (inc)
+6 (cum)
121K 39,000 2.0
7 Research Facility 19
Training Speed II 8
1.58M Stone
1.58M Iron
2.50M Food
1.79M Coin
43d 22:15:00 +1 (inc)
+7 (cum)
145K 89,500 2.0
8 Research Facility 19
Training Speed II 8
3.95M Stone
3.95M Iron
6.25M Food
4.12M Coin
96d 15:15:00 +1 (inc)
+8 (cum)
145K 206,000 2.1
9 Research Facility 20
Training Speed II 9
9.90M Stone
9.90M Iron
15.60M Food
9.50M Coin
212d 14:15:00 +1 (inc)
+9 (cum)
174K 475,000 2.2
10 Research Facility 21
Commander Attack Streak I 10
Training Speed II 10
24.80M Stone
24.80M Iron
39.00M Food
21.90M Coin
467d 17:00:00 +1 (inc)
+10 (cum)
240K 1,095,000 2.3
Total Research Facility 21
Commander Attack Streak I 10
Training Speed II 10
41.27M Stone
41.27M Iron
65.01M Food
38.68M Coin
856d 08:18:00 +10 1.31M 1,934,050 2.3

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