Name Food Production (Standard)
Type Standard
Primary Boost Food Production (click this link to see a complete overview of ways to increase this boost, including the best gear)
Description Most of the best Food Production Gear can be manufactured using standard materials, so it is relatively easy to make a good Food Production equipment. However, you should be aware that as your army grows, even with a good food production set, all food farms and your commander skills specified to maximize food production, you might still get into a situation your troops will eat more than you produce. Especially since at this moment no gear has been introduced to reduce the food consumption.

Related Pages

Tool(s): Gear Set Comparison

Data Page(s): Gear Sets

Gear for Food Production (Standard)

Totals are based on three accessories and full set bonus, where applicable.

Related Pages

Tool(s): Gear Set Comparison

Data Page(s): Gear Sets

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