All information relating to the Harbinger event in Mobile Strike, such as rebels, gifts, materials and tiles associated with this event.
Gear Type Core Attachments Quality Level 6 Boosts
Helmets Harbinger Sky Eyes Air Filter
Kerosene Can
Visor Black
Some Core/Attachment stats are missing
1.7% - 2.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
1.7% - 2.0% Troop Defense Bonus
5.4% - 6.5% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
5.4% - 6.5% Troop Health Bonus
9.2% - 11.0% Advanced Infantry Defense
9.2% - 11.0% Infantry Defense
17.9% - 21.5% Advanced Infantry Attack
17.9% - 21.5% Infantry Attack
Body Armor Harbinger of Death Suit Air Filter
Kerosene Can
Visor Black
Some Core/Attachment stats are missing
9.2% - 11.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
9.2% - 11.0% Troop Defense Bonus
11.3% - 13.5% Advanced Infantry Defense
11.3% - 13.5% Infantry Defense
19.6% - 23.5% Advanced Infantry Attack
19.6% - 23.5% Infantry Attack
Footwear Harbinger Slacks Air Filter
Kerosene Can
Visor Black
Some Core/Attachment stats are missing
4.2% - 5.0% Advanced Infantry Defense
4.2% - 5.0% Infantry Defense
7.5% - 9.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
7.5% - 9.0% Troop Defense Bonus
14.6% - 17.5% Advanced Infantry Attack
14.6% - 17.5% Infantry Attack
Weapons Harbinger Blue Valkyrie Air Filter
Kerosene Can
Visor Black
Some Core/Attachment stats are missing
1.7% - 2.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
1.7% - 2.0% Troop Defense Bonus
8.3% - 10.0% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
8.3% - 10.0% Troop Health Bonus
10.0% - 12.0% Advanced Infantry Defense
10.0% - 12.0% Infantry Defense
22.1% - 26.5% Advanced Infantry Attack
22.1% - 26.5% Infantry Attack
Accessories Harbinger Backup Air Filter
Kerosene Can
Visor Black
Some Core/Attachment stats are missing
5.1% - 6.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
5.1% - 6.0% Troop Defense Bonus
12.6% - 15.0% Advanced Infantry Defense
12.6% - 15.0% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
12.6% - 15.0% Infantry Defense
12.6% - 15.0% Troop Health Bonus
31.2% - 37.5% Advanced Infantry Attack
31.2% - 37.5% Infantry Attack
Total 25.20% - 30.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
25.20% - 30.0% Troop Defense Bonus
26.3% - 31.5% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
26.3% - 31.5% Troop Health Bonus
47.30% - 56.5% Advanced Infantry Defense
47.30% - 56.5% Infantry Defense
105.4% - 126.5% Advanced Infantry Attack
105.4% - 126.5% Infantry Attack

Totals are based on three accessories, 5 attachments and all quality level 6 (Gold) cores and attachments.

Warning: we miss the boosts for some cores/attachments, so totals are incorrect. Missing cores/attachments: , , , , , , , , ,

Warning: The boosts for some cores/attachments are unreliable, so totals are unreliable as well. Unreliable cores/attachments: Harbinger Sky Eyes, Air Filter, Kerosene Can, Visor Black, Harbinger of Death Suit, Air Filter, Kerosene Can, Visor Black, Harbinger Slacks, Air Filter, Kerosene Can, Visor Black, Harbinger Blue Valkyrie, Air Filter, Kerosene Can, Visor Black, Harbinger Backup, Air Filter, Kerosene Can, Visor Black

This overview considers the standard core and attachment sets, not any benefits from the refiners set gear.

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