All information about the commander skill Death Row Boost Duration in Mobile Strike including prerequisites and boosts.
Name Death Row Boost Duration
Required Commander XP Level 62
Prerequisites Resource Help Capacity 10
Level Death Row Boost
1 +1,728
2 +1,728
3 +1,728
4 +1,728
5 +1,728
6 +1,728
7 +1,728
8 +1,728
9 +1,728
10 +1,728
11 +1,728
12 +1,728
13 +1,728
14 +1,728
15 +1,728
16 +1,728
17 +1,728
18 +1,728
19 +1,728
20 +1,728
21 +1,728
22 +1,728
23 +1,728
24 +1,728
25 +1,728
26 +1,728
27 +1,728
28 +1,728
29 +1,728
30 +1,728
31 +1,728
32 +1,728
33 +1,728
34 +1,728
35 +1,728
36 +1,728
37 +1,728
38 +1,728
39 +1,728
40 +1,728
41 +1,728
42 +1,728
43 +1,728
44 +1,728
45 +1,728
46 +1,728
47 +1,728
48 +1,728
49 +1,728
50 +1,728
Total +86,400

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