Price Comparison

Comparison of items available in the shops Conquest Shop vs. Spirit Altar and Store with information about the relative price.

The average price ratio of items that are available in both Conquest Shop and Spirit Altar and Store is 0.6169. If the ratio in the table is lower than this value the item is relatively cheap in Conquest Shop, if higher the item is relatively cheap in Spirit Altar and Store.

Category Building Block Conquest Shop
Item Description
Conquest Shop
Credits per Unit
Spirit Altar and Store
Item Description
Spirit Altar and Store
Credits per Unit
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (III) 1.04 Refining Stone (VI) 1.35 0.7713
Heroes Hero EXP 2 x 2000 Hero EXP 0.0093 900 x 2000 Hero EXP from Ceremony 0.0300 0.3083
Resource Steel 2 x 5K Steel 0.0370 900 x 1K Steel from Ceremony 0.0600 0.6167

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