
This article gives an explanation of Sanctuary building in Guns of Glory.

Guns of Glory Update v2.0.0 Changes

07/18/2018 - -

Information about the changes in Update 2.0.0. Including Airship Parts, new Guard Benoit, Sanctuary Building system. Note: forgot to mention about the new Alliance research project, which is a way to donate even if everything has already been completed, nice way to keep getting alliance honor.

Scope of this Article

This guide explains the Sanctuary building, including when troops will end up in the Sanctuary building and how they can be revived. To be more complete it also includes the functioning of the various hospitals and how the Sanctuary related to the hospitals.

How it Works?

In certain forms of combat (e.g. when you are attacked in your stronghold, when reinforcing alliance mates, when attacked on a tile) you casualties will under certain circumstances, become wounded, instead of being killed. First these wounded will fill up your own hospitals, after that your alliance hospital, and after than a percentage of the wounded will go to the Sanctum (and a percentage will die). More about this percentage later in this guide. The wounded that go to the Sanctum will become souls that can be revived using Ambrosia. Ambrosia is acquired via gathering and harvesting resource production buildings once you have souls in the Sanctum. The Sanctum has a maximum capacity that is related to your hospital capacity, also more about that below.

Boosting Wounded Conversion and Sanctuary Capacity

The Wounded Conversion percentage is the percentage of wounded troops that will become mortally wounded in the Sanctuary once all hospital capacity is full. This percentage is 70% as a basis value and can be increased with 10% by having VIP 10 or higher active, and another 10% by having a Subscription.

The Sanctuary Capacity is by default 400% of your total Hospital Capacity and can be increased with 100% of the Hospital Capacity by having VIP 10 active and another 100% by having a Subscription.

Holy Water collection rate cannot be boosted directly, but there are some factors that influence the speed. It only starts being collected when you have Mortally Wounded in the Sanctuary. The rate is higher if your hospital capacity is higher, when your hospitals have fewer injured troops, and it will slow down once you come close to the upper limit of Holy Water your Sanctuary can hold.

Hospitals, Alliance Hopsital, Kingdom Hospital

Just to be complete the order of wounded troops is first they fill up your own hospitals. Once that capacity is full, your wounded troops will go to the Alliance Hospital. Only if that one is filled up as well, will your troops go to the Sanctuary.

The Kingdom Hospital is active during special events such as Ultimate Alliance Campaign. When it is active all your casualties will end up in the Kingdom Hospital, where they can be healed for reduced time and no resource cost during the event, and will automatically be healed at the end of the event.

Removing Alliance Hospital

Compared to getting your troops from the Alliance Hospital and even your own hospitals, it is relatively cheap to get your troops from the Sanctuary. It only requires Holy Water, which is easy to acquire once there are mortally wounded in your hospital. Because of this, some alliances and players have the tactic to remove the Alliance Hospital or even fill up their own hospital with t1 troops so that casualties go to the Sanctuary right away. Especially removing the Alliance Hospital seems like a valid tactic, but keep in mind to have plenty of hospital capacity so that also your Sanctuay capacity is high enough, and it will be quite valuable to have VIP 10 active, and potentially a Subscription, to make sure your losses are minimial.


This guide should explain the working of the Sanctuary. Please share if you have questions or suggestions.

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