
This article gives an explanation of the Coat of Arms that were introduced in update 2.3.0 in Guns of Glory.

Guns of Glory Update v2.3.0 Changes

10/18/2018 - -

Explanation of the new and changed features in Guns of Glory v2.3.0 such as the Coat of Arms, Path of Fortune Event, Crown Invasion Event, PvP Battle changes, shorter Ultimate Alliance Campaign, New Building Expeditions, New Dashing Duelist Guard Benefits.


In general you can consider this to be very similar to the Airship Parts for Airship Abilities, in this case the Coat of Arms can be embedded to slots in the urban buildings. This can be done via a new Coat of Arms menu in the Castle.

The setup of the Coat of Arms are also very similar to Airship Parts. There are 5 grades which can be refined to a higher level the higher the grade is. Each grade consists of 4 types. The boost setup of each type is a bit different. There is stil one that has Troop Attack, Health, Defense benefits, but for the other three instead one for attack, one for defense, one for health, there is one that gives infantry attack/defense/health, one that gives cavalry attack/defense/health and one that gives distance attack/defense/health. The total boosts provided at the highest level are for most Coat of Arms roughly 50% of the corresponding Airship Part.

Instead of the 8 slots for the Airship Parts, each urban building has one slot for the Coat of Arms, giving a total of 16 slots. There are 4 type of slots, each 4, to match the 4 types of Coats of Arms. This kind of compensates for the fact that the boosts are 50% of the Airship Part ones, so that the total benefits can still be the same.

For Airship Parts whether a boost was active depends on the level on of the Airship Ability, for Coat of Arms it depends on the Glory Level of the building it is attached to. For the lowest level the boosts are active at glory levels 1, 5 and 10, for the Refined ones the boosts are active at glory levels 5, 10 and 15, and for the three highest levels the boosts are active at glory levels 10, 15 and 20.

How to Get Coat of Arms

In the Catacombs Trader you can purchase three different Coat of Arms: Raw Basic Coat of Arms (I), Raw Refined COat of Arms (I) and Raw Grand Coat of Arms Fragment (I). Of the two Coat of Arms you can purchase 1 each for 52 and 156 credits, for the fragments you can purchase a set of 14 for 36 credits. The basic and Grand fragments are refreshed daily, the Refined one each 2 days.

In addition the Goods Exchange has been extended with Artisan Materials, you can receive a maximum of 64 a day.

Enhancing Coat of Arms

In the Coat of Arms Armory (which can be accessed via the Castle - Coat of Arms menu) you see an overview of all your Coat of Arms and you can Enhance your Coat of Arms to the next level. To enhance a Coat of Arms you need Artisan Materials which you can acquire by converting other Coat of Arms via the Plus button next to the amount of Artisan Materials at the left top, or the Get More button next to the required item amount at the left bottom.


The Coat of Arms are unlocked once your Castle reaches level 16.


Very similar to Airship Parts, so not very original. As a low/non spender I like that it is available without spending, but from the Airship Parts I have seen it takes a very long time to refine these.

Related Pages

Data Page(s): Coat of Arms

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