All information relating to the boost type Creation Burst Ability in Guns of Glory including what research projects increase Creation Burst Ability and what the best gear is for Creation Burst Ability.
Name Creation Burst Ability
Type Counter
Category Max Boost
Best Gear Set +3,395
Total +3,395

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Guide(s): Creation Boosts

Gear Sets Giving Creation Burst Ability Boost (all gear, resonance and enhancement boosts)

See Gear Sets for a chronological list of all gear sets introduced in Guns of Glory

Note: Use our Gear Set Comparison Tool to make a comparison between any two gear sets.

Related Pages

Guide(s): Creation Boosts

All Gear Giving Creation Burst Ability Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Accessory Boost Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials
Assassin Belt +849 45 25K 350 Blood Amber, 350 Dark Crystals, 350 Poison Vine
Destruction Belt +374 35 11K 210 Blood Amber, 210 Dark Crystals, 210 Poison Vine
Scarlet Belt +135 25 3.5K 70 Blood Amber, 70 Dark Crystals, 70 Poison Vine
Heatseeker Belt +48 15 1.4K 28 Blood Amber, 28 Dark Crystals, 28 Poison Vine
Basic Gauntlets +17 5 700.0 14 Blood Amber, 14 Dark Crystals, 14 Poison Vine
Main Weapon Boost Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials
Assassin Pistol +1,697 45 25K 500 Blood Amber, 500 Dark Crystals, 500 Poison Vine
Destruction Musket +747 35 15K 300 Blood Amber, 300 Dark Crystals, 300 Poison Vine
Scarlet Musket +270 25 5.0K 100 Blood Amber, 100 Dark Crystals, 100 Poison Vine
Heatseeker Musket +96 15 2.0K 40 Blood Amber, 40 Dark Crystals, 40 Poison Vine
Basic War Hammer +33 5 1,000.0 20 Blood Amber, 20 Dark Crystals, 20 Poison Vine
Sidearm Boost Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials
Assassin Grenade +849 45 25K 400 Blood Amber, 400 Dark Crystals, 400 Poison Vine
Destruction Grenades +374 35 12K 240 Blood Amber, 240 Dark Crystals, 240 Poison Vine
Scarlet Grenades +135 25 4.0K 80 Blood Amber, 80 Dark Crystals, 80 Poison Vine
Heatseeker Grenades +48 15 1.6K 32 Blood Amber, 32 Dark Crystals, 32 Poison Vine
Basic Stake +17 5 800.0 16 Blood Amber, 16 Dark Crystals, 16 Poison Vine

Related Pages

Guide(s): Creation Boosts

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