The Basics

Connect series of dots via a path (horizontal and vertical turns are allowed, diagonal turns not) to remove them. Connect a square or rectangle of dots to remove all dots of that color. A typical goals is to remove a certain number of dots from a specific color. There are a couple of bonus games, one of them finding specific items on a picture.

Two Dots - Tutorial and Review

04/15/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Two Dots.


Difficulty does not seem to increase much and so far using the 2x2 squares to remove all dots of a color is a very powerful feature that helps reaching the goals of the various levels fast.


As you progress through levels new features are introduced giving this game a lot of variation.


Graphics are a bit simple.

Free vs Paid

Can purchase in game credits and boosters to help you clear levels.

Is It Any Good?

I give Two Dots 8 out of 10 stars. Nice concept, but everything around the connect the dots game is confusing.

Gaming Studio PlayDots
Subcategories Cards
Similar Games Games Like Two Dots
Reviewed on Mar 31, 2021

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