The Basics

Match 3 Swap and Match game with a Tintin theme. In the puzzle games you need to make matches of at least 3 tiles by swapping 2 tiles. Make matches of more tiles to get special tiles that can help you clear larger parts of the field and reach targets. Each level has a target, typically removing a certain number of one color of tiles or remove some special tiles, and a maximum number of moves you have to achieve the goal.

Tintin Match - Tutorial and Review

06/10/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Tintin Match.


The difficulty increases fast. I already had to play some of the first 10 levels multiple times to pass. Sometimes it can be nice as a challenge, but in this game it more felt like I needed to be lucky for the right colors to fall, not play smart, to beat the levels.


In the early levels I played I haven't seen the same level of variation as I am used to in other Match 3 games, but that might very well come at higher levels. So far it was all pretty straightforward, targets of levels removing a certain number of tiles.


The whole game looks great.

Free vs Paid

The game is feature complete for non spenders. You can purchase packs with boosters that help you clear levels.

Is It Any Good?

I give Tintin Match 7 out of 10 stars. I like a challenge, but the levels are getting too hard too fast.

Gaming Studio 5th Planet Games Development
Subcategories Match 3, Swap and Match
Similar Games Games Like Tintin Match
Reviewed on Jun 6, 2021

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