The Basics

Remove small blocks one by one to clear the field. Blocks can only be removed in one direction, and can't be removed if they are blocked.

Tap Away - Tutorial and Review

06/17/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Tap Away.


As far as I have played it the puzzles are very simple, so not challenging enough for my taste.


There seems to be only variation in the number of blocks.


Graphical interface is well done, block looks very clear and the rotation works well.

Free vs Paid

Fully functional with ads that can be removed for a small amount.

Is It Any Good?

I give Tap Away 7 out of 10 stars. Original, but too simple.

Gaming Studio Popcore GmbH
Subcategories Logic
Similar Games Games Like Tap Away
Reviewed on Jun 13, 2021

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