Player Research

An overview of all player research projects available in Star Trek Fleet Command including resource requirements, prerequisite research projects and buildings, time, hero xp, power, boost, and unlocked troops, traps and special skills.
Research Category Resources Original Time Hero XP Power kPower/
Combat (25.1% complete) 68K Tritanium
331K Dilithium
175.0 2 * Common Refined Crystal
150.0 2 * Common Refined Gas
175.0 2 * Common Refined Ore
100.0 3 * Uncommon Refined Gas
125.0 3 * Uncommon Refined Ore
5.43M Romulan Points
5.43M Federation Points
5.43M Klingon Points
45d 14:30:00 49,450
Station (23.5% complete) 4.83M Parsteel
1.80M Tritanium
848K Dilithium
350.0 2 * Common Refined Crystal
375.0 2 * Common Refined Gas
200.0 2 * Common Refined Ore
40.0 3 * Common Refined Ore
150.0 3 * Uncommon Refined Crystal
80.0 3 * Uncommon Refined Gas
7.76M Romulan Points
7.76M Federation Points
7.76M Klingon Points
29d 22:50:30 22.0 634,395

Note: We do not yet have complete information for all research categories. Any missing information (resource requirements, original time, dependencies, power and XP) is much appreciated. Please leave a comment or send an e-mail.

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