
Description of using Goodnight Bots to support game play for Rise of the Kings.

What is Bot software for Mobile Games

Bots are software programs that can execute relatively simple tasks. When you play Rise of the Kings (or similar games), you will realize that a lot of the activities you do are very simple repetitive tasks. These tasks can be taken over by a bot.

If you are already familiar with Bot software and just want to try out Goodnight Bots yourself, use this link to Download Goodnight Bots Trial.

Why use a bot?

Before saying why you could consider using a bot, let me first say the following. Although a bot (at least the ones from Goodnight bots) don't do anything different than a human player would do, it is still discouraged (or forbidden) by most game makers to use bots. From that point of view it could be considered risky to use bot software. However, from the way Goodnigh Bots work, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for game makers to distinguish between a bot and a human player, because the bot is not doing anything else than a human player, it has a certain strategy and based on certain visual feedback from the screen takes certain actions. The people form Goodnight Bots emphasized that accounts being blocked are a rarity, but they do make clear in their terms and conditions that this is out of their control and responsibility, so please realize using bot software is at your own risk.

I don't use any bots, which is mostly because I aim my website to provide information for people not spending large amounts of money on the game, and using bot software does cost money (Goodnight Bots works with a monthly subscription). Still, I did have a look at Goodnight Bots, because I know many players use botsoftware.

If you are a spender, you can consider using bot software because it can help you grow your account faster, and could be cheaper than buying packs. Especially if you don't have the time to play many hours a day, or if you have multiple accounts, bot software can be a great help.

How Does a Bot from Goodnight Bots Work?

There are several ways to run Goodnight Bots. I am only familiar with running it on my own PC (local installation), which is the cheapest, but also relatively most cumbersome method. Still it was not very cumbersome. Goodnight Bots basically works as a layer around MEmu, which in itself is a software that allows you to run apps on your PC. You should install MEmu and Goodnight Bots on your computer. Once you installed both, when starting Goodnight Bots it allows you to give certain instructions as to what the bot should do. Although the interface is quite simple, it is quite clear and you have significant control, you can for example not only specify which resource should be gathered, but also in which direction on the map from your account, and how far away the bot should look for resource tiles.

Best way to get an idea is to download the free trial, which I strongly recommend before signing up with them for a subscription. The software for the free trial is the same as what you get for the subscription, so you know exactly what you are getting into.

Goodnight bots goes much further than just letting their bots gather resources. The exact supported features are different for different games, but several repetitive tasks are typically automated by the bots, and this could even go as far as doing building upgrades.

Interested to Try It Out?

If you are interested to try it out, use this link to Download Goodnight Bots Trial. The trial is completely free (none of this nonsense that you have to provide credit card info and stop the trial or it automatically becomes a paid subscription which you see these days), but using the software goes via a subscription model, which you do need to stop or it automatically renews each month.

If you already know this is the right bot for you, use this link to Purchase a Subscription.

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