
Explanation of benefits of using Bluestacks to play Puzzles & Survival.

What is Bluestack App Player

Description from Wikipedia: The App Player is downloadable Windows and macOS software that virtualizes an Android Operating System. The software's basic features are free to download and use. Advanced optional features require a paid monthly subscription.

The company claims the App Player can run over 96% of the 1.4 million apps in the Google Play Store as of April 24, 2015. It reached the 109 million download mark in December, 2015. App Player features mouse, keyboard, and external touchpad controls.

Why use Bluestacks to Play Puzzles & Survival

Of course being able to play the game on a mobile phone has its benefits, play anytime, anywhere, but when at home I prefer to play from my laptop via Bluestacks. Not having to charge my iphone or tablet so regularly is nice, and I like to be able to use my phone for other activities while still monitoring my game on my laptop. When playing for longer time, I prefer the control via the touchpad over the touchscreen, and Bluestacks has the added feature of adding some shortcut keys.

For many users the performance (Bluestacks claims its performance is far superior to smart phones) is a very important benefit.

I tend to combine the use on Bluestacks and my mobile phone. When seriously gaming I use Bluestacks on my laptop, for just giving some orders to keep my account growth going I use my phone.

Interested to Try It Out?

If you are interested to try it out, use this link to Play Puzzles & Survival on Bluestacks.

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