The Basics

Make the screen pink on all 50 levels. There is no explanation, just start touching the screen and figure it out.

Pink - Tutorial and Review

03/28/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Pink.


As far as I have reached everything was doable for me, but there were various levels I had to work on for a while. I expect there won't be very challenging levels and you might finish the game in one day if you are committed, but that is the only drawback. Luckily this is the 6th game in a series and if, like me, this game is new to you, you can check out yellow, black, red, blue and green as well once you are finished.


There is great variation in the puzzles, the only common factor is the goal of making the screen pink. What you can do to achieve that is differenty each level.


Very simple graphics, but it works very well for this simple game.

Free vs Paid

There are some ads, but nothing too annoying. Pay a very small amount to remove the ads and support the development of more games by this maker.

Is It Any Good?

I give Pink 9 out of 10 stars. True gem! Great to see someone doing his own thing, different from mainstream puzzle games.

Gaming Studio Bart Bonte
Subcategories Brainteaser
Similar Games Games Like Pink
Reviewed on Mar 25, 2021
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