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0 research resource cost event.
Changes in King of Avalon v16.9.0 and account update.
Upgrade of Stronghold 50 in King of Avalon and wrap up of the shop event.
The remaining basic information for the Dragon Mastery research has been added. Requirements per project level still need to be filled in. I will add as I progress though the trees, but anyone can add info.
Changes in King of Avalon v16.8.0, new dragonspell knights, changes in rewards and shop items.
Wrap Up of the August 22, 2023 Shop Event in King of Avalon and update of my account progress.
The remaining basic information for the Solitary Knights research has been added. Requirements per project level still need to be filled in. I will add as I progress though the trees, but anyone can add info.
New season of the fae realm. What has changed? What to focus on?
Considerations for selecting rewards for the alchemy guide shop event.
Upgrade of Stronghold 49 in King of Avalon and doing some research for the shop event.
Analysis of rewards for the Alliance Feast in July 2023.
Update of my progress to stronghold 49 and unlocking t14 troops, including new ways to get celestial badges.
Changes in King of Avalon v16.6.0, new heroes.
Upgrade of Stronghold 25 in Misty Continent and update of my account activities.
Emblems, Research and Construction stages and Wrap Up of the Song of the Poet Shop Event in King of Avalon.