Regular VIP

Boost/Special Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Free Completion Time +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +20 +25 +30 +40 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60
Resource Income 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 16.0% 18.0% 20.0% 22.0% 24.0% 26.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0% 50.0% 60.0%
Daily Gold +20 +30 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 +140 +160 +200 +210 +220 +230 +240 +250
Adventure Party Size +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Daily Energy Refill +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Adventure Resource Reward 25.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 75.0% 100.0% 150.0% 150.0% 150.0% 150.0% 150.0% 150.0%
Unit Attack 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0%
Unit Health 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0%
Gathering Speed 15.0% 20.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0%
Attack vs. Encounters 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 50.0%
Health vs. Encounters 25.0% 30.0% 50.0%
March Size Increase 5.0% 10.0%
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Gold and Point Requirements

Individual Level Gold and Point Requirements
Level Regular
Lvl 1 0
Lvl 2 200
Lvl 3 1,000
Lvl 4 1,400
Lvl 5 2,000
Lvl 6 2,800
Lvl 7 4,600
Lvl 8 8,500
Lvl 9 0
Lvl 10 0
Lvl 11 0
Lvl 12 0
Lvl 13 0
Lvl 14 0
Lvl 15 0
Cumulative Point Requirements
Level Regular
Lvl 1 0
Lvl 2 200
Lvl 3 1,200
Lvl 4 2,600
Lvl 5 4,600
Lvl 6 7,400
Lvl 7 12,000
Lvl 8 20,500
Lvl 9 20,500
Lvl 10 20,500
Lvl 11 20,500
Lvl 12 20,500
Lvl 13 20,500
Lvl 14 20,500
Lvl 15 20,500

Note: Any data in italic is unconfirmed. It is based on known data and patterns in previous VIP levels and should be close to the actual data.

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