All information about the building Stone Quarry in March of Empires including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.

The Stone Quarry is where you generate Stone. The more Stone Quarries you have and the higher their level, the higher your production speed and capacity will be. Stone is used for a variety of actions including constructing/upgrading buildings, training troops, building defenses, etc.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone CapacityStone Income Lord XP Might Description Action
1 Castle 1 60.0 Wood
80.0 Iron
95.0 Food
00:01:00 +2,550 (inc)
+2,550 (cum)
+55 (inc)
+55 (cum)
115 525
2 Castle 2 80.0 Wood
85.0 Iron
110.0 Food
00:02:00 +3,825 (inc)
+6,375 (cum)
+84 (inc)
+139 (cum)
288 317
3 Castle 3 100.0 Wood
100.0 Iron
130.0 Food
00:04:00 +5,100 (inc)
+11,475 (cum)
+110 (inc)
+249 (cum)
575 458
4 Castle 4 240.0 Wood
180.0 Iron
300.0 Food
00:05:04 +7,650 (inc)
+19,125 (cum)
+167 (inc)
+416 (cum)
1,150 600
5 Castle 5 590.0 Wood
370.0 Iron
750.0 Food
00:16:00 +9,563 (inc)
+28,688 (cum)
+208 (inc)
+624 (cum)
1,800 742
6 Castle 6 1.3K Wood
730.0 Iron
1.7K Food
00:32:00 +11,475 (inc)
+40,163 (cum)
+249 (inc)
+873 (cum)
2,400 883
7 Castle 7 2.7K Wood
1.3K Iron
3.5K Food
01:04:00 +13,005 (inc)
+53,168 (cum)
+283 (inc)
+1,156 (cum)
3,000 1,025
8 Castle 8 5.0K Wood
2.2K Iron
6.4K Food
02:08:00 +14,917 (inc)
+68,085 (cum)
+324 (inc)
+1,480 (cum)
3,600 1,167
9 Castle 9 8.6K Wood
3.6K Iron
11K Food
04:16:00 +16,830 (inc)
+84,915 (cum)
+366 (inc)
+1,846 (cum)
4,375 1,308
10 Castle 10 14K Wood
5.4K Iron
18K Food
08:32:00 +11,985 (inc)
+96,900 (cum)
+261 (inc)
+2,107 (cum)
5,000 1,450
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone CapacityStone Income Lord XP Might Description Action
11 Castle 11 22K Wood
7.8K Iron
28K Food
10:52:05 +16,352 (inc)
+113,252 (cum)
+355 (inc)
+2,462 (cum)
5,625 1,592
12 Castle 12 33K Wood
11K Iron
42K Food
13:52:00 +19,986 (inc)
+133,238 (cum)
+434 (inc)
+2,896 (cum)
6,250 1,733
13 Castle 13 47K Wood
15K Iron
61K Food
17:40:44 +21,738 (inc)
+154,976 (cum)
+473 (inc)
+3,369 (cum)
6,875 1,875
14 Castle 14 67K Wood
20K Iron
86K Food
22:32:03 +22,791 (inc)
+177,767 (cum)
+495 (inc)
+3,864 (cum)
7,800 2,017
15 Castle 15 92K Wood
26K Iron
117K Food
1d 04:44:18 +14,646 (inc)
+192,413 (cum)
+319 (inc)
+4,183 (cum)
8,450 3,671
16 Castle 16 124K Wood
33K Iron
156K Food
1d 12:37:15 +17,750 (inc)
+210,163 (cum)
+386 (inc)
+4,569 (cum)
9,100 5,053
17 Castle 17 163K Wood
41K Iron
204K Food
1d 22:42:48 +18,018 (inc)
+228,181 (cum)
+413 (inc)
+4,982 (cum)
9,000 6,232
18 Castle 18 210K Wood
50K Iron
262K Food
2d 09:30:00 +24,588 (inc)
+252,769 (cum)
+513 (inc)
+5,495 (cum)
9,600 7,257
19 Castle 19 267K Wood
61K Iron
329K Food
3d 03:36:00 +24,225 (inc)
+276,994 (cum)
+527 (inc)
+6,022 (cum)
10,200 8,168
20 Castle 20 334K Wood
73K Iron
407K Food
4d 00:45:00 +24,225 (inc)
+301,219 (cum)
+526 (inc)
+6,548 (cum)
10,800 8,992
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone CapacityStone Income Lord XP Might Description Action
21 +24,225 (inc)
+325,444 (cum)
+527 (inc)
+7,075 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
22 +24,862 (inc)
+350,306 (cum)
+540 (inc)
+7,615 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
23 +24,863 (inc)
+375,169 (cum)
+201 (inc)
+7,816 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
24 +27,094 (inc)
+402,263 (cum)
+229 (inc)
+8,045 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
25 +26,902 (inc)
+429,165 (cum)
+208 (inc)
+8,253 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
26 +27,540 (inc)
+456,705 (cum)
+205 (inc)
+8,458 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
27 +38,760 (inc)
+495,465 (cum)
+390 (inc)
+8,848 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
28 +38,675 (inc)
+534,140 (cum)
+361 (inc)
+9,209 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
29 +39,100 (inc)
+573,240 (cum)
+345 (inc)
+9,554 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
30 +81,090 (inc)
+654,330 (cum)
+670 (inc)
+10,224 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone CapacityStone Income Lord XP Might Description Action
Total Castle 20 1.39M Wood
352K Iron
1.73M Food
17d 15:52:17 +654,330 +10,224 106,003 55,065

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