The Basics

By completing levels in this Mahjong solitaire game (in which the goal is to clear a pile of tiles by removing pairs of identical tiles that are free (not blocked by tiles on top or on both right and left side)) you can collect and upgrade heroes that give you extra boosts that make it easier to complete levels.

Mahjong Heroes - Tutorial and Review

03/11/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Mahjong Heroes.


The difficulty in the puzzles increases quite fast, more so than other Mahjong games I have played, with I personally see as a positive thing.


This game offers some nice variations to the original Mahjong solitaire game, for example by having a limited number of moves to complete a puzzle field, and giving part of the tiles an extra feature that ads extra moves when matching them.


The visuals seem to be aimed at younger players, but they are well done and were not a distraction to me. I do prefer the classic Mahjong tiles, it took me a bit of time to get used to these tiles and quickly distinguish them.

Free vs Paid

I have been playing for a while and it seems the game is feature complete without spending. You can spend to remove the (not too instrusive) ads or to get in game credits, which you can use to buy lives and boosters.

Is It Any Good?

I give Mahjong Heroes 8 out of 10 stars. The getting and improving heroes to get boosts is an orginal take on Mahjong. Well executed.

Gaming Studio PepperFlames
Subcategories Mahjong, Tile Match
Similar Games Games Like Mahjong Heroes
Reviewed on Mar 2, 2021

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