All information about the research project Trap Retrieval III in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Trap Retrieval III Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 17
Trap Defense II 1
Trap Strength II 1
Trap Durability II 1
14K Food
17K Stone
14K Timber
11K Ore
2.6K Gold
06:53:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
992 3.5
2 Academy 17
Trap Retrieval II 2
21K Food
25K Stone
21K Timber
17K Ore
18K Gold
13:46:00 1.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
1,983 3.5
3 Academy 17
Trap Retrieval II 3
56K Food
67K Stone
56K Timber
45K Ore
53K Gold
23:24:00 2.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
3,966 4.1
4 Academy 17
Trap Retrieval II 4
104K Food
125K Stone
104K Timber
84K Ore
351K Gold
1d 10:24:00 2.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
9,916 6.9
5 Academy 18
Trap Retrieval II 5
188K Food
226K Stone
188K Timber
150K Ore
878K Gold
2d 03:36:00 3.0% (inc)
9.0% (cum)
14,873 6.9
6 Academy 19
Trap Retrieval II 6
313K Food
376K Stone
313K Timber
251K Ore
1.76M Gold
6d 23:09:00 3.0% (inc)
12.0% (cum)
48,190 6.9
7 Academy 20
Trap Retrieval II 7
1.74M Food
2.09M Stone
1.74M Timber
1.39M Ore
4.39M Gold
20d 21:26:00 4.0% (inc)
16.0% (cum)
144,569 6.9
8 Academy 21
Trap Retrieval II 8
3.48M Food
4.18M Stone
3.48M Timber
2.79M Ore
8.78M Gold
62d 16:17:00 5.0% (inc)
21.0% (cum)
433,707 6.9
9 Academy 22
Trap Retrieval II 9
6.97M Food
8.36M Stone
6.97M Timber
5.57M Ore
35.10M Gold
188d 00:50:00 7.0% (inc)
28.0% (cum)
1,301,122 6.9
10 Academy 23
Trap Retrieval II 10
13.93M Food
16.72M Stone
13.93M Timber
11.15M Ore
78.98M Gold
470d 13:12:00 22.0% (inc)
50.0% (cum)
3,252,804 6.9
Total Academy 23
Trap Defense II 1
Trap Strength II 1
Trap Durability II 1
Trap Retrieval II 10
26.82M Food
32.18M Stone
26.82M Timber
21.46M Ore
130.30M Gold
754d 12:57:00 50.0% 5,212,122 6.9

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