All information about the research project Trap Defense II in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Trap DEF Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 11
Trap Strength II 1
Trap Defense I 1
7.0K Food
12K Stone
12K Timber
8.6K Ore
1.8K Gold
04:49:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
695 3.5
2 Academy 12 11K Food
18K Stone
18K Timber
13K Ore
12K Gold
09:38:00 2.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
1,388 3.5
3 Academy 13 28K Food
47K Stone
47K Timber
34K Ore
37K Gold
16:23:00 4.0% (inc)
7.0% (cum)
2,776 4.1
4 Academy 14
Trap Defense I 4
53K Food
88K Stone
88K Timber
64K Ore
246K Gold
1d 00:05:00 6.0% (inc)
13.0% (cum)
6,941 6.9
5 Academy 15
Trap Defense I 5
95K Food
158K Stone
158K Timber
116K Ore
614K Gold
1d 12:07:00 8.0% (inc)
21.0% (cum)
10,411 6.9
6 Academy 16
Trap Defense I 6
158K Food
263K Stone
263K Timber
193K Ore
1.23M Gold
4d 21:00:00 11.0% (inc)
32.0% (cum)
33,733 6.9
7 Academy 17
Trap Defense I 7
878K Food
1.46M Stone
1.46M Timber
1.07M Ore
3.07M Gold
14d 15:00:00 14.0% (inc)
46.0% (cum)
101,199 6.9
8 Academy 20
Trap Strength II 7
1.76M Food
2.93M Stone
2.93M Timber
2.15M Ore
6.14M Gold
43d 21:00:00 18.0% (inc)
64.0% (cum)
303,595 6.9
9 Academy 23
Trap Defense I 9
3.51M Food
5.85M Stone
5.85M Timber
4.29M Ore
24.57M Gold
131d 14:58:00 23.0% (inc)
87.0% (cum)
910,785 6.9
10 Academy 25
Trap Strength II 9
Trap Defense I 10
7.02M Food
11.70M Stone
11.70M Timber
8.58M Ore
55.29M Gold
329d 01:25:00 48.0% (inc)
135.0% (cum)
2,276,962 6.9
Total Academy 25
Trap Strength II 9
Trap Defense I 10
13.52M Food
22.53M Stone
22.53M Timber
16.52M Ore
91.21M Gold
527d 20:25:00 135.0% 3,648,485 6.9

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