All information about the building Barracks in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.

Barracks provide training for your Soldiers. Upgrade to increase the amount of Soldiers you can train.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Army DEFTraining Capacity Leader XP Might Description Action
1 280.0 Food
560.0 Stone
350.0 Timber
210.0 Ore
00:01:30 20 (inc)
20 (cum)
18 Register to Supply Data
2 420.0 Food
840.0 Stone
525.0 Timber
315.0 Ore
00:03:00 20 (inc)
40 (cum)
3 630.0 Food
1.3K Stone
787.0 Timber
472.0 Ore
00:06:00 40 (inc)
80 (cum)
54 Register to Supply Data
4 945.0 Food
1.9K Stone
1.2K Timber
708.0 Ore
00:12:00 40 (inc)
120 (cum)
75 Register to Supply Data
5 1.4K Food
2.8K Stone
1.8K Timber
1.1K Ore
00:24:00 40 (inc)
160 (cum)
105 Register to Supply Data
6 Quarry 6 2.1K Food
4.3K Stone
2.7K Timber
1.6K Ore
00:48:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
60 (inc)
220 (cum)
148 Register to Supply Data
7 Quarry 7 3.2K Food
6.4K Stone
4.0K Timber
2.4K Ore
01:36:00 60 (inc)
280 (cum)
208 Register to Supply Data
8 Quarry 8 4.8K Food
9.6K Stone
6.0K Timber
3.6K Ore
03:12:00 80 (inc)
360 (cum)
290 Register to Supply Data
9 Quarry 9 7.2K Food
14K Stone
9.0K Timber
5.4K Ore
05:45:36 80 (inc)
440 (cum)
407 Register to Supply Data
10 Quarry 10 11K Food
22K Stone
13K Timber
8.1K Ore
09:12:58 80 (inc)
520 (cum)
569 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Army DEFTraining Capacity Leader XP Might Description Action
11 Quarry 11 16K Food
32K Stone
20K Timber
12K Ore
11:58:51 100 (inc)
620 (cum)
12 Quarry 12 24K Food
48K Stone
30K Timber
18K Ore
13:46:41 1.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
100 (inc)
720 (cum)
13 Quarry 13 36K Food
73K Stone
45K Timber
27K Ore
15:50:41 100 (inc)
820 (cum)
14 Quarry 14 54K Food
109K Stone
68K Timber
41K Ore
18:13:17 120 (inc)
940 (cum)
15 Quarry 15 82K Food
163K Stone
102K Timber
61K Ore
20:57:17 120 (inc)
1,060 (cum)
16 Quarry 16 123K Food
245K Stone
153K Timber
92K Ore
1d 00:05:52 120 (inc)
1,180 (cum)
17 Quarry 17 184K Food
368K Stone
230K Timber
138K Ore
1d 03:42:45 140 (inc)
1,320 (cum)
18 Quarry 18 276K Food
552K Stone
345K Timber
207K Ore
1d 07:52:09 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
140 (inc)
1,460 (cum)
19 Quarry 19 414K Food
828K Stone
517K Timber
310K Ore
1d 12:38:59 140 (inc)
1,600 (cum)
20 Quarry 20 621K Food
1.24M Stone
776K Timber
466K Ore
1d 18:08:50 160 (inc)
1,760 (cum)
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Army DEFTraining Capacity Leader XP Might Description Action
21 Quarry 21 931K Food
1.86M Stone
1.16M Timber
698K Ore
2d 06:47:28 160 (inc)
1,920 (cum)
22 Quarry 22 1.40M Food
2.79M Stone
1.75M Timber
1.05M Ore
3d 15:39:57 160 (inc)
2,080 (cum)
23 Quarry 23 2.09M Food
4.19M Stone
2.62M Timber
1.57M Ore
6d 13:47:54 180 (inc)
2,260 (cum)
24 Quarry 24 3.14M Food
6.28M Stone
3.93M Timber
2.36M Ore
11d 20:02:13 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
240 (inc)
2,500 (cum)
25 Quarry 25 6.28M Food
12.57M Stone
7.86M Timber
4.71M Ore
1 Gold Hammer
41d 10:07:45 6.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
2,500 (inc)
5,000 (cum)
Total Quarry 25 15.71M Food
31.42M Stone
19.64M Timber
11.78M Ore
1 Gold Hammer
76d 18:61:43 10.0% 5,000 329,104

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