All information about the building Quarry in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.

Quarries affect Stone production rate and storage. Production stops when storage is full. Build more or upgrade to increase efficiency.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone Hourly ProductionTurf Stone Storage Leader XP Might Description Action
1 100.0 Food
100.0 Timber
100.0 Ore
00:01:00 60 (inc)
60 (cum)
2,800 (inc)
2,800 (cum)
6 Register to Supply Data
2 150.0 Food
150.0 Timber
150.0 Ore
00:02:20 110 (inc)
170 (cum)
5,600 (inc)
8,400 (cum)
14 Register to Supply Data
3 225.0 Food
225.0 Timber
225.0 Ore
00:04:40 170 (inc)
340 (cum)
8,300 (inc)
16,700 (cum)
21 Register to Supply Data
4 337.0 Food
337.0 Timber
337.0 Ore
00:09:20 220 (inc)
560 (cum)
11,100 (inc)
27,800 (cum)
29 Register to Supply Data
5 506.0 Food
506.0 Timber
506.0 Ore
00:18:39 280 (inc)
840 (cum)
13,900 (inc)
41,700 (cum)
41 Register to Supply Data
6 Castle 6 759.0 Food
759.0 Timber
759.0 Ore
00:37:17 330 (inc)
1,170 (cum)
16,700 (inc)
58,400 (cum)
57 Register to Supply Data
7 Castle 7 1.1K Food
1.1K Timber
1.1K Ore
01:14:34 390 (inc)
1,560 (cum)
19,400 (inc)
77,800 (cum)
80 Register to Supply Data
8 Castle 8 1.7K Food
1.7K Timber
1.7K Ore
02:29:08 440 (inc)
2,000 (cum)
22,200 (inc)
100,000 (cum)
112 Register to Supply Data
9 Castle 9 2.6K Food
2.6K Timber
2.6K Ore
04:28:25 500 (inc)
2,500 (cum)
50,000 (inc)
150,000 (cum)
157 Register to Supply Data
10 Castle 10 3.8K Food
3.8K Timber
3.8K Ore
07:09:28 560 (inc)
3,060 (cum)
55,600 (inc)
205,600 (cum)
220 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone Hourly ProductionTurf Stone Storage Leader XP Might Description Action
11 Castle 11 5.8K Food
5.8K Timber
5.8K Ore
09:18:19 610 (inc)
3,670 (cum)
61,100 (inc)
266,700 (cum)
307 Register to Supply Data
12 Castle 12 8.9K Food
8.9K Timber
8.9K Ore
10:58:49 670 (inc)
4,340 (cum)
66,700 (inc)
333,400 (cum)
431 Register to Supply Data
13 Castle 13 14K Food
14K Timber
14K Ore
12:57:24 720 (inc)
5,060 (cum)
72,200 (inc)
405,600 (cum)
602 Register to Supply Data
14 Castle 14 21K Food
21K Timber
21K Ore
15:17:19 780 (inc)
5,840 (cum)
77,800 (inc)
483,400 (cum)
844 Register to Supply Data
15 Castle 15 32K Food
32K Timber
32K Ore
18:02:26 830 (inc)
6,670 (cum)
83,300 (inc)
566,700 (cum)
1,181 Register to Supply Data
16 Castle 16 50K Food
50K Timber
50K Ore
21:17:17 890 (inc)
7,560 (cum)
88,900 (inc)
655,600 (cum)
1,654 Register to Supply Data
17 Castle 17 77K Food
77K Timber
77K Ore
1d 01:07:11 940 (inc)
8,500 (cum)
141,700 (inc)
797,300 (cum)
2,315 Register to Supply Data
18 Castle 18 118K Food
118K Timber
118K Ore
1d 05:38:29 1,000 (inc)
9,500 (cum)
150,000 (inc)
947,300 (cum)
3,241 Register to Supply Data
19 Castle 19 182K Food
182K Timber
182K Ore
1d 10:58:36 1,060 (inc)
10,560 (cum)
158,300 (inc)
1,105,600 (cum)
4,537 Register to Supply Data
20 Castle 20 281K Food
281K Timber
281K Ore
1d 17:16:21 1,110 (inc)
11,670 (cum)
166,700 (inc)
1,272,300 (cum)
6,353 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Stone Hourly ProductionTurf Stone Storage Leader XP Might Description Action
21 Castle 21 433K Food
433K Timber
433K Ore
2d 07:43:04 1,170 (inc)
12,840 (cum)
175,000 (inc)
1,447,300 (cum)
8,893 Register to Supply Data
22 Castle 22 666K Food
666K Timber
666K Ore
3d 19:56:03 1,220 (inc)
14,060 (cum)
183,300 (inc)
1,630,600 (cum)
12,450 Register to Supply Data
23 Castle 23 1.03M Food
1.03M Timber
1.03M Ore
6d 21:28:53 1,280 (inc)
15,340 (cum)
191,700 (inc)
1,822,300 (cum)
17,431 Register to Supply Data
24 1,330 (inc)
16,670 (cum)
200,000 (inc)
2,022,300 (cum)
Register to Supply Data
25 13,890 (inc)
30,560 (cum)
277,800 (inc)
2,300,100 (cum)
Register to Supply Data
Total Castle 23 2.93M Food
2.93M Timber
2.93M Ore
22d 20:35:02 30,560 2,300,100 60,976

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