The Basics

Make everything the same color. With each move you can color an area of one specific color into another color. Within a limited number of moves you should make sure everything gets the same color.

KAMI 2 - Tutorial and Review

05/29/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game KAMI 2.


The main levels start very easy, but just try the daily puzzle if you want more of a challenge.


The variation is in the more colors and more blocks of colors in the levels, but the idea remains the same.


Looks nice, but the slow way in which the colors are changed is only fun to watch the first couple of times.

Free vs Paid

I did not find a possibility to pay yet, seems the game is feature complete.


There is an option to make your own creation and share this. Have not tried this out, but the idea is nice for sure.

Is It Any Good?

I give KAMI 2 8 out of 10 stars. Well done and challenging logic puzzle.

Gaming Studio State of Play Games
Subcategories Logic
Similar Games Games Like KAMI 2
Reviewed on May 29, 2021
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