Tile Crush (2020)

8 out of 10 stars. Some minor flaws will not prevent you from having hours of fun.

Tile Crush - Tutorial and Review

03/08/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Tile Crush.

Description You have 7 free spots to place tiles taken from a pile. Once you have added 3 identical tiles they are removed from the game. You can only take tiles from the pile that do not have any tiles on top of them. Each level the pile of tiles is structured in a different way. You get points for levels that are completed within a certain amount of time. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Severex Ltd
Reviewed on Nov 19, 2020
Most Popular Videos

Tile Fun (2020)

7 out of 10 stars. Basic tile matching game.

Tile Fun - Tutorial and Review

05/15/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Tile Fun.

Description You have 7 free spots to place tiles taken from a pile. Once you have added 3 identical tiles they are removed from the game. You can only take tiles from the pile that do not have any tiles on top of them. Each level the pile of tiles is structured in a different way. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Mint Games
Reviewed on May 4, 2021

Mahjong (2019)

7 out of 10 stars. This classic game feels a bit outdated compared to newer tile matching games.

Mahjong - Tutorial and Review

03/03/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Mahjong by MobilityWare.

Description In this traditional Mahjong solitaire game the goal is to clear a pile of tiles by removing pairs of identical tiles that are free (are not blocked by tiles on top or on both right and left side). The various levels offer different challenges based on the structure of the pile of tiles. (More Info)
Gaming Studio MobilityWare
Reviewed on Nov 24, 2020

Mahjong Crimes: Mahjong & Mystery (2017)

9 out of 10 stars. Having the Mahjong puzzle levels combined in mystery cases makes this game stand out from the many plain Mahjong games.

Mahjong Crimes - Tutorial and Review

03/05/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Mahjong Crimes: Mahjong and Mystery.

Description At its core this is a Mahjong solitaire game (in which the goal is to clear a pile of tiles by removing pairs of identical tiles that are free (not blocked by tiles on top or on both right and left side), but the levels of puzzles that should be completed are combined in mystery cases that need to be solved. There are various boosters that you can win by completing stages, or purchase for money, that make it easier to complete the more challenging puzzles. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Spil Games
Reviewed on Mar 1, 2021

Mahjong City Tours (2017)

8 out of 10 stars. Well made Mahjong game with a nice storyline tying the levels together.

Infinite Galaxy - Account Update - Played 2 Weeks - Command Center 16 Done - Next Focus

04/27/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Update of my account. I played two weeks, just finished Command Center 16, and discuss my next focus.

Description By completing levels in this Mahjong solitaire game (in which the goal is to clear a pile of tiles by removing pairs of identical tiles that are free (not blocked by tiles on top or on both right and left side)) you can visit various cities around the world. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Jam City, Inc.
Reviewed on Apr 24, 2021

Mahjong Heroes (2017)

8 out of 10 stars. The getting and improving heroes to get boosts is an orginal take on Mahjong. Well executed.

Mahjong Heroes - Tutorial and Review

03/11/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Mahjong Heroes.

Description By completing levels in this Mahjong solitaire game (in which the goal is to clear a pile of tiles by removing pairs of identical tiles that are free (not blocked by tiles on top or on both right and left side)) you can collect and upgrade heroes that give you extra boosts that make it easier to complete levels. (More Info)
Gaming Studio PepperFlames
Reviewed on Mar 2, 2021

Mahjong Treasure Quest (2016)

7 out of 10 stars. The features next to the Mahjong puzzles are more of an annoyance than offering something extra.

Mahjong Treasure Quest - Tutorial and Review

03/09/2021 - www.youtube.com - www.gamesguideinfo.com

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Mahjong Treasure Quest.

Description As it name suggests, this Mahjong solitaire game (in which the goal is to clear a pile of tiles by removing pairs of identical tiles that are free (not blocked by tiles on top or on both right and left side)) is filled with treasure. The many levels are tied together with a story, but early on the focus seems to be more on earning points and goodies by clicking on bubbles, chests and gifts. There are several boosts that you can win or purchase that make it easier to complete the level. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Vizor Apps
Reviewed on Mar 1, 2021

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