All information about the research project Cavalry Health Debuff Resistance in Game of War including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Wild Cavalry Health
Debuff Resistance

Cavalry Health Debuff

Strategic Cavalry
Health Debuff Resistance
Hero XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 5
91K Stone
88K Wood
162K Ore
92K Food
167K Silver
18:01:30 0.32% (inc)
0.32% (cum)
36K 11,900 15.8
2 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 5
188K Stone
189K Wood
360K Ore
195K Food
354K Silver
2d 00:33:50 0.5% (inc)
0.82% (cum)
45K 25,300 12.5
3 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 6
413K Stone
407K Wood
773K Ore
404K Food
739K Silver
5d 17:08:20 0.61% (inc)
1.43% (cum)
54K 52,800 9.2
4 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 6
891K Stone
867K Wood
1.59M Ore
883K Food
1.63M Silver
15d 09:02:00 0.78% (inc)
2.21% (cum)
67K 116,400 7.6
5 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 7
1.84M Stone
1.88M Wood
3.52M Ore
1.87M Food
3.39M Silver
42d 02:06:20 1.2% (inc)
3.41% (cum)
83K 242,400 5.8
6 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 7
4.07M Stone
4.06M Wood
7.39M Ore
3.98M Food
7.23M Silver
110d 18:01:00 1.86% (inc)
5.27% (cum)
104K 516,400 4.7
7 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 8
8.86M Stone
8.47M Wood
15.70M Ore
8.51M Food
15.73M Silver
309d 12:22:00 2.87% (inc)
8.14% (cum)
126K 1,123,400 3.6
8 Academy 21
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 8
18.50M Stone
18.78M Wood
32.92M Ore
18.26M Food
33.52M Silver
831d 01:19:20 4.43% (inc)
12.57% (cum)
161K 2,394,400 2.9
9 Academy 21
Ranged Health Debuff Resistance 8
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 9
40.25M Stone
39.12M Wood
71.26M Ore
39.33M Food
72.03M Silver
2248d 08:06:20 6.85% (inc)
19.42% (cum)
192K 5,145,300 2.3
10 Academy 21
Ranged Health Debuff Resistance 9
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 10
85.45M Stone
87.07M Wood
154.26M Ore
85.18M Food
154.72M Silver
6122d 10:01:50 10.58% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
240K 11,051,500 1.8
Total Academy 21
Ranged Health Debuff Resistance 9
Ranged Defense Debuff Resistance 10
160.55M Stone
160.94M Wood
287.92M Ore
158.71M Food
289.52M Silver
9687d 24:42:30 30.0% 1.11M 20,679,800 2.1

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1 Comment (4 counting replies)

How to I actually help someone? There is no button for me to click to help. It just shows that they are asking.

If you have assembly point building you should see a shaking hands symbol above that you can click, or at the right bottom of the screen see a shaking hand symbol with number of requested help. If you don't have the assembly point building yet you can go to alliance menu, and select Timer Help and help from there.

Okay thank you. I just got the assembly point building. But when I go into the alliance menu and go to timer help there is usually no option to help. Sometimes there is but most of the time it just shows that someone needs help on something but there is no help button for me to click. I don’t know if that makes sense.

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