Player Research

An overview of all player research projects available in Game of War including resource requirements, prerequisite research projects and buildings, time, hero xp, power, boost, and unlocked troops, traps and special skills.
Research Category Resources Original Time Hero XP Power kPower/
Economics 62.33M Stone
62.84M Wood
52.51M Ore
62.63M Food
169.59M Silver
779d 23:60:00 10.89M 8,479,672 10.9
Combat 123.50M Stone
123.50M Wood
92.63M Ore
144.15M Food
517.55M Silver
5940d 04:44:60 26.01M 25,877,350 4.4
Wall Traps 32.30M Stone
32.30M Wood
24.22M Ore
30.70M Food
73.72M Silver
747d 05:38:20 4.88M 3,685,945 4.9
Hero (68.9% complete) 15.19B Stone
15.08B Wood
15.02B Ore
26.36B Food
19.03B Silver
52455d 12:38:20 32.90M 657,193,586
Restorative 938.13M Stone
938.13M Wood
938.13M Ore
1.48B Food
538.75M Silver
23356d 15:28:30 38.47M 64,682,272 2.8
Strategic Combat 155.55M Stone
155.55M Wood
108.00M Ore
196.38M Food
599.11M Silver
6617d 16:16:40 18.05M 29,955,350 4.5
Strategic Wall Traps 34.35M Stone
34.35M Wood
25.76M Ore
30.70M Food
76.80M Silver
827d 14:05:20 5.95M 3,839,920 4.6
March (82.4% complete) 16.47B Stone
16.41B Wood
15.25B Ore
19.07B Food
20.11B Silver
581816d 02:44:17 31.69M 1,877,299,390
Defense 5.98B Stone
5.96B Wood
10.50B Ore
5.92B Food
10.50B Silver
251632d 10:07:40 43.51M 749,869,300 3.0
Set Bonus 11.21B Stone
10.93B Wood
9.12B Ore
7.36B Food
12.93B Silver
251632d 15:58:10 34.40M 923,273,700 3.7
Wild Combat (40.9% complete) 3.14B Stone
3.10B Wood
3.92B Ore
3.76B Food
4.83B Silver
107588d 06:44:56 6.55M 453,276,166
Strategic & Wild Siege (15.1% complete) 36.71B Stone
36.29B Wood
54.74B Ore
50.15B Food
36.45B Silver
14418d 23:18:08 9.48M 643,991,529
Wild Traps (29.7% complete) 5.90B Stone
5.83B Wood
5.85B Ore
11.02B Food
5.89B Silver
48133d 24:50:37 2.66M 180,816,393

Note: We do not yet have complete information for all research categories. Any missing information (resource requirements, original time, dependencies, power and XP) is much appreciated. Please leave a comment or send an e-mail.

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