All information about the research project March Slot II in Game of War including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time March Slots Hero XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Academy 19
Tier 3 Siege Resource Training Cost 10
10.00M Stone
10.00M Wood
10.00M Ore
16.00M Food
4.70M Silver
763d 18:30:00 +1 (inc)
+1 (cum)
292K 470,000 0.6
2 Academy 21
Tier 4 Siege Resource Training Cost 10
Tier 4 Trap Salvaging 10
50.00M Stone
50.00M Wood
50.00M Ore
70.00M Food
35.00M Silver
1000d 00:00:00 +1 (inc)
+2 (cum)
359K 5,833,300 5.8
Total Academy 21
Tier 4 Siege Resource Training Cost 10
Tier 4 Trap Salvaging 10
Tier 3 Siege Resource Training Cost 10
60.00M Stone
60.00M Wood
60.00M Ore
86.00M Food
39.70M Silver
1763d 18:30:00 +2 651K 6,303,300 3.6
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