The Basics

Later there are some variations, but the basic idea is that you have to cut ropes connected to a ball, so that the ball moves over stars in the field, and ultimately end up in the mouth of a green monster.

Mahjong City Tours - Tutorial and Review

04/30/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Mahjong City Tours.


Early on the levels do not offer a big challenge, not sure whether that improves further as the large amount of advertisements have been too annoying for me to continue playing.


The variation is nice, even the limited number of levels I played already showed new game concepts.


The game looks good.

Free vs Paid

The advertisements between levels take longer than playing a level, that is never a good thing.

Is It Any Good?

I give Cut the Rope 2 6 out of 10 stars. Original concept and fun puzzles, but way too many ads.

Gaming Studio ZeptoLab
Subcategories Cut the Rope
Reviewed on Apr 24, 2021

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