The Basics

In Castle Solitaire each suit is assigned one tower, and the goal is to place all cards in order from Ace to King into those towers. You start with the aces already in the towers and 6 open cards on the 5 playing fields. You can move cards either into the towers (two on ace, three on two etc), or on one of the other playing fields (if it is free, or seven on eight, six on seven etc). The rest of the deck can be opened by 3 at a time on 3 piles. You can also move these cards either ontop the playing field or directly into the towers according to same conditions as above.

Castle Solitaire - Tutorial and Review

04/06/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Castle Solitaire from MobilityWare.


The difficulty is in the way the cards are distributed, I have played it a couple of times and so far it were quite easy wins each time.


Variation is also only in the different ways the cards are distributed.


As I am used to from MobilityWare by now, the user interface is not fancy, but the cards are very clear. Simple, functional.

Free vs Paid

There is probably a way to remove the ads, but I haven't found it yet. The ads are also not very annoying.

Is It Any Good?

I give Castle Solitaire 7 out of 10 stars. Always nice to see a well done solitaire game that is different from the usual.

Gaming Studio MobilityWare
Subcategories Cards
Similar Games Games Like Castle Solitaire
Reviewed on Mar 24, 2021

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