The Basics

Direct a set of balls at a field with bricks. If you hit bricks often enough (number is inside the bricks), they will disappear. After each round of shots the bricks will move one row down and if they get too low you lose the game.

Bricks Ball Crusher - Tutorial and Review

04/08/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Bricks Ball Crusher.


So far does not seem to be very challenging, which is a bit of a drawback.


There is quite some variation in the fields. Not just different layouts of the bricks but also for example bombs at difficult to reach positions that clear the field if you are able to hit them often enough.


Looks simple.

Free vs Paid

Quite some ads, which you can remove for a fee.

Is It Any Good?

I give Bricks Ball Crusher 7 out of 10 stars. Nice bricks and balls game, but I am missing the challenge.

Gaming Studio Poseidon Games
Subcategories Ball Crusher
Similar Games Games Like Bricks Ball Crusher
Reviewed on Mar 25, 2021

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