The Basics

Forming words of atleast 3 letters from the letter blocks gives you points and will remove the letters you used. Longer words give you more points. Score more points to complete the level.

Alphabetty Saga - Tutorial and Review

05/10/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Alphabetty Saga.


For me even the early levels were difficult to do fast, I blame that not on the difficulty of the game, but because English is not my native tongue.


There are some additional features in the levels that provide some extra variation.


The game looks good as is common for this maker.

Free vs Paid

The game is feature complete and you can purchase in game credits.

Is It Any Good?

I give Alphabetty Saga 8 out of 10 stars. Great Word Puzzle from the makers of Candy Crush.

Gaming Studio King
Subcategories Word
Reviewed on May 1, 2021

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