All information about the card Rebel Pathfinders in Star Wars: Force Arena including the associated leader, squad, support or structure.
Name Rebel Pathfinders
Quality Level Common
Card Type Squad
Card Faction Rebel Alliance
Trait Uses a powerful rifle for ranged attacks
Strong Vs. AT-ST Walker, Probe Droid, Rocket Stormtrooper
Weak Vs. TIE Bomber, Zabrak Assasins, Imperial Sharpshooter, Imperial Laser Turret
Cost 3
Leader/Squad 2x Rebel Pathfinders
Card Level Cards Required Gold Required XP Gained
2 2 20 2
3 4 40 4
4 8 80 8
5 15 150 20
6 30 300 30
7 50 600 50
8 90 1100 90
9 170 2000 170
10 280 3600 300
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