We Need More Reliable Data
By: GamesGuide on June 24, 2016
We aim to provide complete data overview and tools based on the data to assist in playing Mobile Strike. The way the game is setup makes it difficult to get complete data (e.g. VIP levels only unlocked once you enter new Prestige level, building and research project levels only available once you completed the previous ones and times only shown once you have all resource requirements filled, mods and cores and attachments boosts only shown for the quality levels you own...) and we really appreciate all the help anyone can offer. We try to as much as possible show unconfirmed data in italic, if you have data that is not yet on the site, or confirmed data for data that is unconfirmed, please share (either by sending e-mail or posting in the comment section), it is much appreciated and all players will benefit from it.
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