Mobile Strike Memorial Icon
Memorial Building Added
November 30, 2016

We have added the Memorial building data to our website. Upgrading this building to level 22 will activate the Ultimate Elimination Skill, which means that any eliminated commander will take 4 days to be able for resurrection. In addition each level of the building gives an increased Troop Attack bonus (if a minimum number of eliminated commanders is met).

See: Memorial Building for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Battle Tactics Research Tree Icon
Battle Tactics Research Extended
November 30, 2016

We have added the new projects in the Battle Tactics Research Category to the website. So far we only added the boost data for each project. Further down the tree there are some very important boosts for Attack Deployment Capacity, Rally Capacity, Control Point Rally Capacity and Global Control Point Rally Capacity.

See: Battle Tactics Research Category for Mobile Strike

Gear Icon
Blackout Accessories Added
November 30, 2016

We have added the Blackout Accessories Irradiator, Wrench, Death Dealer, Wolfs Bite and Surveillance Drone and we have introduced new gear sets with these accessories to make it easy to compare the benefits to the sets with the existing accessories.

See: Gear Set Comparison for Mobile Strike

Mods and Materials Icon
Holiday Mod Set Added
November 30, 2016

We have added the newly released Holiday Mod Set, giving Troop Health and Troop Attack Bonus.

See: Holiday Mod Set for Mobile Strike

Mods and Materials Icon
Small Vacation Break
November 29, 2016

My apologies for the late announcement, but from Friday November 25 until Sunday December 4 we will not be able to do many updates to the website due to a short vacation break. We plan to catch up with all updates early next week, although it could be we find some time to do updates later this week as well. Our apologies and thanks for your patience.

Commander XP 25000000 Item
Commander Skill Tree Planner Improvements
November 24, 2016

The commander skill tree planner is now also available without registering on the website. Using this method will not allow you to save and restore your tree configurations. Based on the first feedback, we have added the point requirements that will unlock the new project to each Skill Project, making it easier to manually assign the right points. More feedback is most welcome.

See: Commander Skill Tree Planner for Mobile Strike

VIP Prestige Token
VIP 100 Information Added
November 23, 2016

We have added a section with information regarding the new VIP setup to the VIP guide. We recently found out now the point requirements to any VIP level are shown in the game, and it is no longer required to pay the 10,000 gold to make the switch to a new set of 10 VIP levels.

See: VIP Guide for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Garrison Gear Icon
Garrison Set Gear added
November 23, 2016

We added the just released Garrison Set Gear. This gear set provides large Troop Health and Troop Attack boosts, as well as large Troop Defense boosts for each Troop Type.

See: Troop Health Garrison Set Gear for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Refiners Gear Icon
Refiners Set Gear added
November 22, 2016

We added the just released Refiners Set Gear. This set has boosts for Prototype Gear Duration, Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed and Prototype Gear Manufacturing Cost Reduction, making it unique in its kind. Especially the Prototype Gear Duration boost will be a huge benefit when you focus on Prototype Gear.

See: Prototype Gear Duration Refiners Set Gear for Mobile Strike

Commander XP 25000000 Item
New Tool: Commander Skill Tree Planner
November 20, 2016

With the new Commander XP Levels, more skill points and new Skill Projects become available to players, which means for many that for various presets the Skill Tree can be improved. Trying out different configurations of your Commander Skill Tree in the game can be cumbersome and time consuming, for that reason we have added a Skill Tree Planner tool to the website.
With this tool you can try out different configurations without needing to spend Skill Resets, but more important, it has a number of features that make live easier for you:
You can assign points by a selection instead of assigning points one by one with clicks
You can assign points to any project, so you can start with the projects you really want, and by a click of a button automatically assign the points to all prerequisite buttons.
You can even select a boost and automatically max all Skill Projects that provide this boost.
See a full list of all boosts that your configurations provide, the amount of skill points you have used and the Commander XP level required.
Try out various settings and store multiple skill tree configurations in your account, so that when you hit the next Commander XP Level you can continue with the Skill Tree Configurations for your various Presets.
Once you have the perfect skill tree configurations figured out with this planner, you can switch back to the game and specify it.
There is already a flag with which you can indicate you want to share your Skill Tree Configuration, I plan to add an overview with all shared skill tree configurations in the next couple of days.
This tool was just designed and implemented. Any feedback (both problems you might encounter, as well as suggestions for improvements) is most welcome, just leave a comment.

See: Commander Skill Tree Planner for Mobile Strike

Commander XP 25000000 Item
Service Commendation and XP requirements Lvls 62 and 63 added
November 19, 2016

We have added the Service Commandation and Commander XP requirements for Commander XP levels 62 and 63. Any further information on the new levels is most welcome.

See: Commander XP Levels for Mobile Strike

Commander XP 25000000 Item
Commander Support Skills Added
November 19, 2016

With the new Commander XP Levels, the concept of Commander Support Skills were added. With Commander Support Skills you can provide an ally with a temporary Research Speed, Construction Speed or Training Speed and Queue boost. To assign Support Skills to an alliance member you need to have assigned points to the corresponding Commander Skill project (the more points the higher the boost, up to 50% Research, Construction and Training boost). You Also need a Support Kit to assign the Support Skills. You can assign Support Skills by tapping on their base and using the newly added Commander Support Skill button.

See: Commander Skill Trees for Mobile Strike

Commander XP 25000000 Item
New Commander Skills Added
November 19, 2016

With the introduction of the new Commander XP Levels also a number of Commander Skills were added. We have extended the Commander Skill Tree and will update the individual skills shortly.

See: Commander Skill Trees for Mobile Strike

Commander XP 25000000 Item
New Commander Levels Added
November 19, 2016

We have added the new commander XP levels 62-65. We have no information yet on the XP, Commendation and Service Commendation requirements (and anything else that might have been added). Any additional information is much appreciated, we will update the website as soon as we receive it.

See: Commander XP Levels for Mobile Strike

VIP Prestige Token
VIP Prestige 9 (VIP 100) Data Complete
November 18, 2016

We now have all the boosts and point requirements for VIP Prestige 9 levels 1 to 10 (or VIP 91 to VIP 100). Our VIP difference Calculator has also been updated.

See: VIP Levels Overview for Mobile Strike

VIP Prestige Token
VIP Prestige 9 Extended
November 16, 2016

We just received screendumps for all VIP Prestige 9 levels and have just uploaded them. Please look at the pages of the individual levels for the screenshots. We will update the information for all levels and the guide shortly.

See: VIP Levels Overview for Mobile Strike

VIP Prestige Token
VIP Prestige 9 Added
November 16, 2016

The new VIP Prestige 9 information has been added. So far we do not have any screenshots (if you have them, please send!), so our information is based on the blog. Major new features are announced as Instantly Manufacture Core Sets, 600% Combat Bonuses for Life and Open All Alliance Gifts.

See: VIP Prestige 1-9 Guide for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Anniversary Gear Icon
Anniversary Set Gear added
November 15, 2016

We added the just released Anniversary Set Gear (Troop Attack).

See: Troop Attack Anniversary Set Gear for Mobile Strike

Mods and Materials Icon
Line and Mobile Strike Group Added
November 13, 2016

We have added a Line group and a Mobile Strike room for communication regarding this website. Both are named GamesGuideInfo. Send a message to diamondjack72 to be invited to the Line group.

Mobile Strike Mercenary Combat Icon
Mercenary Combat Boosts
November 11, 2016

We still need to adapt our website wrt the Mercenary Combat boost. In general I expect all situations in the game where now Normal and Advanced Combat boosts apply to be extended to apply Mercenary Combat boosts as well. This is basically everywhere except for the Normal, Advanced, Mercenary specific research projects in the Combat, Advanced Combat and Mercenary Combat research trees. At this stage the game itself still seems inconsistent, something we also saw with the introduction of Advanced Combat, so I will take a couple of days before modifying the website to make sure of the direction the game is taking.

See: Boost Types for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Mercenary Combat Icon
Mercenary Combat Research Added
November 11, 2016

We have added the Mercenary Combat Research Tree. Here you can unlock your Mercenary Troops and research combat boosts specific for the Mercenary Troops. In addition there are some other benefits as well. Most interesting might be the Deployment Preset project allowing for 10 deployment preset slots. In addition there are projects for additional Death Row Defense, Health and Attack Bonus, and projects with additional, Health, Defense and Attack Bonus for all Infatry, Tactical and Armored Vehicle Troops. The tree ends with 3 projects for additional Troop Defense, Health and Attack, also applicable to Normal, Advanced and Mercenary Troops.

See: Mercenary Combat Research Tree for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Mercenary Combat Icon
Mercenary Troops Added
November 11, 2016

The new troop type Mercenary Troops has been added to the website. For those familiar with Game of War, it seems to be similar to the introduction of Wild Troops. These troops are stronger against Advanced Troops and weaker against Normaal Troops. Looking at the stats in the Training Grounds, these are the same as Advanced in the sense that they are Very Strong against one type (i.e. Infantry Very Strong vs AV, AV Very Strong vs Tactical, Tactical Very Strong vs Infantry) and Weak against the other types. I have not yet unlocked any, but for the purpose of the Troop Training Calculator assumed the training time and resource requirements are the same as the corresponding Normal and Advanced Troops.

See: Troop Overview for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Troop Academy Icon
Troop Academy Building Extended
November 11, 2016

The Troop Academy Building has been extended to level 15 to allow for an increased promotion queue size and promotion to the new Mercenary Troops. No details have been provided, but I expect you will need to go until level 15 to be able to upgrade to (tier 4) Mercenary Troops. Also you need to complete the Merccenary research first.

See: Troop Academy Building for Mobile Strike

Mods and Materials Icon
Anniversary Mod Set Added
November 10, 2016

We have added the newly released Anniversary Mod Set, giving a (advanced) Troop Attack Bonus.

See: Anniversary Mod Set for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Attack Insignia Icon
New Insignia Added
November 10, 2016

The new Medics, Defense and Destruction Insignia have been added to the website.

See: Insignia Overview for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Energy Insignia Icon
Energy Insignia Added
November 8, 2016

We have added the new Energy Insignia and we have extended the data on Insignia on the website. Now we have the data of all boosts. We also included the Insignia in our boost type detail pages, so when looking at a specific boost you will quickly see whether it can be extended with an Insignia, and if so, which Insignia and how much.

See: Insignia Overview for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Rebel Target Icon
Rebel Target 8 Research Added
November 8, 2016

We have extended the Commander Research Tree with the new Rebel Target 8 Research Project. The requirement for this project include Rebel Target Level 8 Restricted Files, no Commander Restricted Files.

See: Commander Research Tree for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Upkeep Reduction Icon
Upkeep Reduction and Efficiency Guide Extended
November 7, 2016

We now know the formula for Upkeep Reduction Multiplier as well (thanks Sebastian Long!) and extended the tables with resulting Upkeep Reduction from combined Upkeep boosts.

See: Upkeep Reduction and Efficiency Guide for Mobile Strike

Mods and Materials Icon
Annihilation Mod Set Added
November 5, 2016

We have added the newly released Annihilation Mod Set, giving a (advanced) Tactical Attack Bonus.

See: Annihilation Mod Set for Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike Upkeep Reduction Icon
Upkeep Reduction and Efficiency Guide Extended
November 3, 2016

We now know the formula for Upkeep Efficiency and added few tables with resulting Upkeep Reduction for combined Upkeep Reduction and Upkeep Efficiency boosts.

See: Upkeep Reduction and Efficiency Guide for Mobile Strike

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