
There are quite some different type of challenges in Mobile Strike and although the general idea of how to score points should be clear from the description, there are sometimes various ways and below tips might prove useful.

Type Increase Power
Scoring Points Typically every power point increased results in one point for the challenge
Tips One good way to score some free points for these type of challenge is hold off with collecting your base missions until there is an Increase Power challenge. Collecting Base Missions will increase the Power directly, but also contribute towards increasing your commander XP and a Commander Level Up increases power as well. If you also hold on to your commander XP items, especially before you reach commander level 45, it is quite easy to push your commander to a higher level and gain some Challenge points without having to invest any gold or speed ups.
You might wonder whether it is better to train troops or do research for scoring points for the challenge (building is in general not good, as it gives very little power points). For Increase Power challenges training is normally the way to go. If you take an example, if you have a 300% training boost it will take you 3 days and 6 hours to train 18,750 tier 3, which will give you 450,000 (24 per trained troop) power points. If you compare it to research, level 9 Tactical Attack will take you with a 200% research boost and 25 helps still 17 days and 17 hours and gives you 457,400 power points, and this is from a power duration ratio point of view one of the more attractive research projects.
Summary: If you want to win this challenge, collect Base Missions and consider whether you can push your commander to the next level using stocked up commander XP items, if you have a research project on its way, consider completing it, and train troops for the remaining points. Consider using our Troop Training Calculator.
Type Gathering
Scoring Points Typically every stone, oil and iron gathered gives one point, every food and coin gathered two points. There can also be points for other items, like research and troop training, but the prize targets are based on gathering and are typically many millions, so focus on gathering only if you want to win.
Tips Food gives more points and is normally gathering very fast. Activate a gather boost and send your max deployments out to gather on the highest possible food tiles you can find near your base. As a preparation for this challenge you should make sure you have plenty of troops and maximize the Gathering research that your Research Facility level allows. I am not in favor of gathering with a commander, since I hate losing my commander and there is always a risk someone tilehits you. If you like to gather with your commander you can consider setting your commander skill tree for gathering and even making some gathering gear, but do realize that both of these only work with the deployment your commander is part of.
Type General
Scoring Points The most general challenge scores points for building, research and troop training. Typically one point is scored for research and building power increase and for troop training, 1, 2 4 or 8 points for each troop trained of tier 1, 2,3 or 4
Tips As with the power increase challenge you might wonder whether it is better to train troops or do research for scoring points for the challenge (building is in general not good, as it gives very little power points). For these general challenges it is a close match and it depends on your training and research boost and the specific research projects you are considering. If you take an example, if you have a 300% training boost it will take you 19 days and 12:45 hours to train 112,500 tier 3, which will give you 450,000 (4 per trained troop) challenge points. If you compare it to research, level 9 Tactical Attack will take you with a 200% research boost and 25 helps 17 days and 17 hours and gives you 457,400 power points. The difference is not that much.
Summary: If you want to win this challenge, plan ahead whether research or training is the way to go. Consider using our Extreme Challenge Planner and Troop Training Calculator.
Type General with alternative points
Scoring Points Be aware that there are alternatives for the general challenge that give different points, typically 5 points per building power point, 2 points per research power point or 2, 4, 8, 16 points for troop training.
Tips With different point ratios it is typically better to focus on the category that gives the extra points, even if it is building. If you make a comparison building might still not be the cheapest way to score points, but it is your best change to get something back for speed ups spent on building upgrades.
Type Training Challenge
Scoring Points Typically 1, 2 4 or 8 points for each troop trained of tier 1, 2,3 or 4
Tips When doing training challenges you might consider which tier is actually easiest to win the challenge with. There are two factors, resources and training time. Comparing training time, it does not matter whether which tier you train, all of them take the same time if you want to reach the same challenge points. Resource wise Tier 2 takes the same amount of the regular resources as Tier 1, but has a small coin requirement (5% of the food requirement) in addition. Tier 3 has the same coin requirement as tier 2, but surprisingly only 75% of the requirement of the other resources. Tier 4 requires 25 (!) times as much coin as tier 3, and 3.33 times the other resources.
Summary: you might consider training tier 3 instead of tier 4, even if you can train tier 4, if resources are an issue. Defense wise 2 tier 3 troops are just as good as 1 tier 4 troop (if we leave the hospital capacity issue out of the comparison) .
Type Rebel
Scoring Points Hitting and killing rebels will score points, the higher the rebel the more points. There might be points for other activities as well, but since prize targets are aimed on rebels, which relatively give easy points, it is best to focus on rebels.
Tips Depending on how you normally set your rebel target skill points, you might want to consider doing a reset and spending less points on Energy Recovery and Maximum Energy Limits and more on the others, as you will typically do a lot of hits and energy recharges in a short time, so the maximum energy and energy recovery are less important, while the damage related skills allow you to kill rebels faster and score more points.
Typically the points are setup in such a way that from an energy perspective it is best to hit a rebel of the highest level that you can. Rebel kills typically only give two times the points of a hit of the same level, so tend not to make a huge difference in the choice.
Get one or more rebel damage items from the alliance store to increase the damage you do.
Using random teleports might be a good way to try to get near rebel levels that you like to hit.
Summary: Save your commander energy items until this Challenge comes along. Spec your commanders rebel skill points. Use some (random) ports to get near the rebels of the level you like to hit. Activate a Rebel Target Attack Boost, work on the same rebel until you kill it.
Type Power Kill Event
Scoring Points Points for every power destroyed.
Tips It goes beyond the scope of the tips for this challenge to explain how to maximize your commander and troops for combat. Just some things you might want to pay attention to is that it is typically a lot easier to score points in these type of challenges as a defender than as an attacker. If you do attack, it is best practice to include some meat (lesser tier troops, because you always lose some troops, so that you don't give away too many points) in both solo attacks and rallies. Especially in the first couple of kill events in a state there will be plenty of players who have no idea what is happening and will still be gathering on tiles, those are typically the easiest ways to get some points. There will also be plenty of players who have lots of troops, but relatively very little (combat) research, these are also great targets.

Contributed by: on April 3, 2016


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