All information about the research project Forced March III in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Supply Troop Travel
Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 25 35K Food
22K Stone
13K Timber
35K Ore
31K Gold
1.0 Archaic Tome
20:03:00 0.5% (inc)
0.5% (cum)
7,530 9.0
2 122K Food
76K Stone
46K Timber
122K Ore
107K Gold
2.0 Archaic Tome
2d 22:11:00 0.5% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
25,222 8.6
3 148K Food
92K Stone
55K Timber
148K Ore
130K Gold
3.0 Archaic Tome
3d 13:13:00 0.5% (inc)
1.5% (cum)
31,622 8.9
4 174K Food
109K Stone
65K Timber
174K Ore
153K Gold
5.0 Archaic Tome
4d 04:15:00 0.5% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
38,022 9.1
5 209K Food
131K Stone
78K Timber
209K Ore
184K Gold
7.0 Archaic Tome
5d 00:18:00 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
46,304 9.2
6 278K Food
174K Stone
104K Timber
278K Ore
245K Gold
9.0 Archaic Tome
6d 16:24:00 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
62,114 9.3
7 365K Food
228K Stone
137K Timber
365K Ore
321K Gold
12.0 Archaic Tome
8d 18:31:00 1.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
82,067 9.4
8 522K Food
326K Stone
196K Timber
522K Ore
459K Gold
15.0 Archaic Tome
12d 12:44:00 1.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
115,571 9.2
9 731K Food
457K Stone
274K Timber
731K Ore
642K Gold
19.0 Archaic Tome
17d 13:01:00 2.0% (inc)
8.0% (cum)
158,863 9.1
10 957K Food
598K Stone
359K Timber
957K Ore
841K Gold
24.0 Archaic Tome
22d 23:20:00 7.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
207,050 9.0
Total Academy 25 3.54M Food
2.21M Stone
1.33M Timber
3.54M Ore
3.11M Gold
97.0 Archaic Tome
84d 23:60:00 15.0% 774,365 9.1

Currently we do not have complete information on this research category yet, if you have missing information, please let us know via the User Comments or send us an e-mail to the address in the footer of this page. Please make sure to provide the original time and undiscounted resource requirements and do not forget the university/academy level required and the Might increase.

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