All information about the research project Anima Storage II in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Anima Storage
Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 19
Gym Membership 1
Gym Training II 1
440K Food
220K Stone
176K Timber
264K Ore
363K Gold
73K Anima
6d 16:22:00 0.5% (inc)
0.5% (cum)
46,718 7.0
2 Academy 19 1.54M Food
770K Stone
616K Timber
924K Ore
1.27M Gold
254K Anima
23d 09:17:00 0.5% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
163,510 7.0
3 Academy 19 1.87M Food
935K Stone
748K Timber
1.12M Ore
1.54M Gold
309K Anima
28d 09:34:00 0.5% (inc)
1.5% (cum)
198,548 7.0
4 Academy 20 2.20M Food
1.10M Stone
880K Timber
1.32M Ore
1.82M Gold
363K Anima
33d 09:50:00 0.5% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
233,586 7.0
5 Academy 21 2.64M Food
1.32M Stone
1.06M Timber
1.58M Ore
2.18M Gold
436K Anima
40d 02:12:00 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
280,304 7.0
6 Academy 22
Anima Storage I 6
3.52M Food
1.76M Stone
1.41M Timber
2.11M Ore
2.91M Gold
581K Anima
53d 10:56:00 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
373,738 7.0
7 Academy 23
Anima Storage I 7
4.62M Food
2.31M Stone
1.85M Timber
2.77M Ore
3.81M Gold
763K Anima
70d 03:51:00 1.5% (inc)
5.5% (cum)
490,530 7.0
8 Academy 24
Gym Membership 8
Gym Training II 8
6.60M Food
3.30M Stone
2.64M Timber
3.96M Ore
5.45M Gold
1.09M Anima
100d 05:30:00 2.0% (inc)
7.5% (cum)
700,759 7.0
9 Academy 25
Gym Membership 9
Gym Training II 9
9.24M Food
4.62M Stone
3.70M Timber
5.55M Ore
7.63M Gold
1.53M Anima
140d 07:41:00 3.0% (inc)
10.5% (cum)
981,061 7.0
10 Academy 25
Gym Membership 10
Gym Training II 10
12.10M Food
6.05M Stone
4.84M Timber
7.26M Ore
9.99M Gold
2.00M Anima
183d 18:04:00 9.0% (inc)
19.5% (cum)
1,284,724 7.0
Total Academy 25
Gym Membership 10
Gym Training II 10
Anima Storage I 7
44.78M Food
22.39M Stone
17.91M Timber
26.87M Ore
36.96M Gold
7.39M Anima
679d 21:17:00 19.5% 4,753,478 7.0

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