All information about the research project Shelter Expansion in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Shelter Capacity Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 20
Gold Storage II 1
44K Food
26K Stone
22K Timber
17K Ore
56K Gold
11:05:00 +500 (inc)
+500 (cum)
2,689 5.8
2 Academy 20 66K Food
39K Stone
33K Timber
26K Ore
83K Gold
14:47:00 +500 (inc)
+1,000 (cum)
3,585 5.8
3 Academy 20 87K Food
52K Stone
44K Timber
35K Ore
111K Gold
18:28:00 +1,000 (inc)
+2,000 (cum)
4,481 5.8
4 Academy 20 114K Food
68K Stone
57K Timber
45K Ore
144K Gold
1d 01:51:00 +1,000 (inc)
+3,000 (cum)
6,274 5.8
5 Academy 20 149K Food
89K Stone
74K Timber
59K Ore
189K Gold
1d 12:56:00 +1,500 (inc)
+4,500 (cum)
8,962 5.8
6 Academy 21 201K Food
121K Stone
101K Timber
80K Ore
256K Gold
2d 07:23:00 +1,500 (inc)
+6,000 (cum)
13,444 5.8
7 Academy 22 350K Food
210K Stone
175K Timber
140K Ore
444K Gold
3d 20:18:00 +2,000 (inc)
+8,000 (cum)
22,406 5.8
8 Academy 23
Gold Storage II 8
525K Food
315K Stone
262K Timber
210K Ore
667K Gold
9d 05:31:00 +3,000 (inc)
+11,000 (cum)
53,774 5.8
9 Academy 24
Gold Storage II 9
700K Food
420K Stone
350K Timber
280K Ore
889K Gold
12d 07:21:00 +9,000 (inc)
+20,000 (cum)
71,698 5.8
10 Academy 25
Gold Storage II 10
1.05M Food
630K Stone
525K Timber
420K Ore
1.33M Gold
23d 01:47:00 +30,000 (inc)
+50,000 (cum)
134,436 5.8
Total Academy 25
Gold Storage II 10
3.29M Food
1.97M Stone
1.64M Timber
1.31M Ore
4.17M Gold
55d 05:27:00 +50,000 321,749 5.8

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