All information about the research project Training Speed III in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Training Speed Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 19
Weight Training II 2
Ration Run 2
1.03M Food
411K Stone
342K Timber
274K Ore
565K Gold
5d 10:23:00 0.5% (inc)
0.5% (cum)
37,983 7.0
2 Academy 19 1.54M Food
616K Stone
513K Timber
411K Ore
847K Gold
7d 05:51:00 0.5% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
50,643 7.0
3 Academy 19 2.05M Food
821K Stone
684K Timber
547K Ore
1.13M Gold
9d 01:19:00 0.5% (inc)
1.5% (cum)
63,304 7.0
4 Academy 20 2.67M Food
1.07M Stone
889K Timber
712K Ore
1.47M Gold
12d 16:14:00 0.5% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
88,626 7.0
5 Academy 21
Weight Training II 5
Ration Run 5
3.49M Food
1.40M Stone
1.16M Timber
931K Ore
1.92M Gold
18d 02:37:00 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
126,608 7.0
6 Academy 22
Weight Training II 6
Ration Run 6
4.72M Food
1.89M Stone
1.57M Timber
1.26M Ore
2.60M Gold
27d 03:55:00 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
189,911 7.0
7 Academy 23
Weight Training II 7
Ration Run 7
8.21M Food
3.28M Stone
2.74M Timber
2.19M Ore
4.52M Gold
45d 06:31:00 1.5% (inc)
5.5% (cum)
316,520 7.0
8 Academy 24
Weight Training II 8
Ration Run 8
12.32M Food
4.93M Stone
4.11M Timber
3.28M Ore
6.78M Gold
108d 15:39:00 1.5% (inc)
7.0% (cum)
759,648 7.0
9 Academy 25
Weight Training II 9
Ration Run 9
16.42M Food
6.57M Stone
5.47M Timber
4.38M Ore
9.03M Gold
144d 20:51:00 2.0% (inc)
9.0% (cum)
1,012,864 7.0
10 Academy 25
Weight Training II 10
Ration Run 10
24.63M Food
9.85M Stone
8.21M Timber
6.57M Ore
13.55M Gold
271d 15:06:00 7.0% (inc)
16.0% (cum)
1,899,119 7.0
Total Academy 25
Weight Training II 10
Ration Run 10
77.08M Food
30.83M Stone
25.69M Timber
20.55M Ore
42.41M Gold
650d 02:26:00 16.0% 4,545,226 7.0

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