All information about the research project Gem Harvesting in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Gem Gathering Speed Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 6
Weight Training I 1
Resource Harvesting I 1
514.0 Food
857.0 Stone
857.0 Timber
628.0 Ore
595.0 Gold
00:29:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
135 6.7
2 Academy 9
Weight Training I 2
Resource Harvesting I 2
1.7K Food
2.9K Stone
2.9K Timber
2.1K Ore
4.0K Gold
01:53:00 1.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
224 2.9
3 Academy 12
Weight Training I 3
Resource Harvesting I 3
5.1K Food
8.6K Stone
8.6K Timber
6.3K Ore
12K Gold
03:54:00 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
404 2.5
4 Academy 14
Weight Training I 4
Resource Harvesting I 4
17K Food
29K Stone
29K Timber
21K Ore
79K Gold
05:27:00 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
1,212 5.3
5 Academy 16
Weight Training I 5
Resource Harvesting I 5
43K Food
71K Stone
71K Timber
52K Ore
198K Gold
12:37:00 1.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
3,634 6.9
6 Academy 18
Weight Training I 6
Resource Harvesting I 6
86K Food
143K Stone
143K Timber
105K Ore
397K Gold
1d 13:49:00 1.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
10,901 6.9
7 Academy 20
Weight Training I 7
Resource Harvesting I 7
428K Food
714K Stone
714K Timber
523K Ore
991K Gold
4d 17:26:00 1.0% (inc)
7.0% (cum)
32,706 6.9
8 Academy 22
Weight Training I 8
Resource Harvesting I 8
856K Food
1.43M Stone
1.43M Timber
1.05M Ore
1.98M Gold
14d 04:18:00 1.0% (inc)
8.0% (cum)
98,118 6.9
9 Academy 24
Weight Training I 9
Resource Harvesting I 9
1.71M Food
2.85M Stone
2.85M Timber
2.09M Ore
7.93M Gold
42d 12:52:00 1.0% (inc)
9.0% (cum)
294,353 6.9
10 Academy 25
Weight Training I 10
Resource Harvesting I 10
3.43M Food
5.71M Stone
5.71M Timber
4.19M Ore
17.84M Gold
106d 08:09:00 1.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
735,884 6.9
Total Academy 25
Weight Training I 10
Resource Harvesting I 10
6.58M Food
10.96M Stone
10.96M Timber
8.04M Ore
29.44M Gold
170d 08:54:00 10.0% 1,177,571 6.9

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