All information about the research project Metal Harvesting in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Ore Production Increase Leader XP Might K Might/
Description Action
1 Academy 1
Food Harvesting 1
86.0 Food
143.0 Stone
143.0 Timber
105.0 Ore
397.0 Gold
00:19:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
90 6.8
2 Academy 2 286.0 Food
476.0 Stone
476.0 Timber
349.0 Ore
2.6K Gold
01:15:00 2.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
150 2.9
3 Academy 4 857.0 Food
1.4K Stone
1.4K Timber
1.0K Ore
7.9K Gold
02:36:00 3.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
269 2.5
4 Academy 6 2.9K Food
4.8K Stone
4.8K Timber
3.5K Ore
53K Gold
03:38:00 4.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
808 5.3
5 Academy 8 7.1K Food
12K Stone
12K Timber
8.7K Ore
132K Gold
08:25:00 5.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
2,422 6.9
6 Academy 11 14K Food
24K Stone
24K Timber
17K Ore
264K Gold
1d 01:13:00 7.0% (inc)
22.0% (cum)
7,268 6.9
7 Academy 15 71K Food
119K Stone
119K Timber
87K Ore
661K Gold
3d 03:38:00 9.0% (inc)
31.0% (cum)
21,804 6.9
8 Academy 19 143K Food
238K Stone
238K Timber
174K Ore
1.32M Gold
9d 10:52:00 12.0% (inc)
43.0% (cum)
65,412 6.9
9 Academy 23 285K Food
476K Stone
476K Timber
349K Ore
5.29M Gold
28d 08:35:00 15.0% (inc)
58.0% (cum)
196,235 6.9
10 Academy 25
Food Harvesting 10
571K Food
951K Stone
951K Timber
698K Ore
11.90M Gold
70d 21:26:00 22.0% (inc)
80.0% (cum)
490,589 6.9
Total Academy 25
Food Harvesting 10
1.10M Food
1.83M Stone
1.83M Timber
1.34M Ore
19.63M Gold
113d 13:57:00 80.0% 785,047 6.9

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Bùi Đức Huy

Familiar Defense time:
lv9: 724d 01:29:00