Talent Projects

An overview of all commander skills in the Talent Tree Tree in Lords Mobile.

Squad Offense I

Max Lv. 5 Army ATK 5.0%

Food Production I

Max Lv. 5 Food Production Increase 12.0%

Trap Building I

Max Lv. 15 Trap Building Speed 30.0%

Cavalry Offense I

Max Lv. 15 Cavalry ATK 7.0%

Stone Production I

Max Lv. 15 Stone Production Increase 32.0%

Construction Speed I

Max Lv. 10 Construction Speed 40.0%

Training Speed I

Max Lv. 15 Training Speed 30.0%

Ranged Offense I

Max Lv. 15 Ranged ATK 7.0%

Timber Production I

Max Lv. 15 Timber Production Increase 32.0%

Research I

Max Lv. 10 Research Speed 40.0%

Siege Engine Offense I

Max Lv. 15 Siege Engine ATK 7.0%

Infantry Offense I

Max Lv. 15 Infantry ATK 7.0%

Ore Production I

Max Lv. 15 Ore Production Increase 32.0%

Gold Production I

Max Lv. 15 Gold Production Increase 32.0%

Trap Offense I

Max Lv. 15 Trap ATK 7.0%

Squad Defense I

Max Lv. 15 Army DEF 13.0%

Food Production II

Max Lv. 20 Food Production Increase 70.0%

Max Load I

Max Lv. 15 Army Capacity 17.0%

Squad Health I

Max Lv. 15 Army Max HP 13.0%

Stone Production II

Max Lv. 20 Stone Production Increase 48.0%

Gathering I

Max Lv. 15 Gathering Speed 17.0%

Siege Engine Offense II

Max Lv. 20 Siege Engine ATK 10.0%

Ranged Offense II

Max Lv. 20 Ranged ATK 10.0%

Ore Production II

Max Lv. 20 Ore Production Increase 48.0%

Timber Production II

Max Lv. 20 Timber Production Increase 48.0%

Trap Building II

Max Lv. 35 Trap Building Speed 92.0%

Infantry Offense II

Max Lv. 20 Infantry ATK 10.0%

Construction Speed iI

Max Lv. 20 Construction Speed 65.0%

Gold Production II

Max Lv. 20 Gold Production Increase 48.0%

Trap Offense II

Max Lv. 20 Trap ATK 10.0%

Cavalry Offense II

Max Lv. 20 Cavalry ATK 10.0%

Research II

Max Lv. 20 Research Speed 65.0%

Training Speed II

Max Lv. 35 Training Speed 92.0%

Infantry Offense III

Max Lv. 50 Infantry ATK 53.0%

Gathering II

Max Lv. 50 Gathering Speed 100.0%

Max Load II

Max Lv. 50 Army Capacity 100.0%

Siege Engine Offense III

Max Lv. 50 Siege Engine ATK 53.0%

Cavalry Offense III

Max Lv. 50 Cavalry ATK 53.0%

Food Production III

Max Lv. 50 Food Production Increase 518.0%

Trap Offense III

Max Lv. 50 Trap ATK 53.0%

Ranged Offense III

Max Lv. 50 Ranged ATK 53.0%

Timber Production III

Max Lv. 50 Timber Production Increase 288.0%

Ore Production III

Max Lv. 50 Ore Production Increase 288.0%

Squad Defense II

Max Lv. 50 Army DEF 87.0%

Squad Health II

Max Lv. 50 Army Max HP 87.0%

Stone Production III

Max Lv. 50 Stone Production Increase 288.0%

Gold Production III

Max Lv. 50 Gold Production Increase 288.0%

Total Cost


Total Benefits

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