All information about the building Trading Post in Lords Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Might increase and boosts.

The Trading Post lets you and your Allies share resources. Upgrade to increase the amount of resources you can send and decrease your supply tax.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Supply CapacitySupply Tax ReductionSupply Troop Travel
Leader XP Might Description Action
1 Castle 5 352.0 Food
480.0 Stone
480.0 Timber
288.0 Ore
00:01:15 +5,000 (inc)
+5,000 (cum)
13 Register to Supply Data
2 Castle 5 528.0 Food
720.0 Stone
720.0 Timber
432.0 Ore
00:02:30 +10,000 (inc)
+15,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
26 Register to Supply Data
3 Castle 5 792.0 Food
1.1K Stone
1.1K Timber
648.0 Ore
00:05:00 +15,000 (inc)
+30,000 (cum)
1.0% (cum) 39 Register to Supply Data
4 Castle 6 1.2K Food
1.6K Stone
1.6K Timber
972.0 Ore
00:10:00 +20,000 (inc)
+50,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
54 Register to Supply Data
5 Castle 6 1.8K Food
2.4K Stone
2.4K Timber
1.5K Ore
00:20:00 +25,000 (inc)
+75,000 (cum)
2.0% (cum) 77 Register to Supply Data
6 Castle 7 2.7K Food
3.6K Stone
3.6K Timber
2.2K Ore
00:40:00 +30,000 (inc)
+105,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
107 Register to Supply Data
7 Castle 7 4.0K Food
5.5K Stone
5.5K Timber
3.3K Ore
01:20:00 +35,000 (inc)
+140,000 (cum)
3.0% (cum) 149 Register to Supply Data
8 Castle 8 6.0K Food
8.2K Stone
8.2K Timber
4.9K Ore
02:40:00 +40,000 (inc)
+180,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
210 Register to Supply Data
9 Castle 9 9.0K Food
12K Stone
12K Timber
7.4K Ore
04:48:00 +45,000 (inc)
+225,000 (cum)
4.0% (cum) 294 Register to Supply Data
10 Castle 10 14K Food
18K Stone
18K Timber
11K Ore
07:40:48 +50,000 (inc)
+275,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
411 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Supply CapacitySupply Tax ReductionSupply Troop Travel
Leader XP Might Description Action
11 Castle 11 20K Food
28K Stone
28K Timber
17K Ore
09:59:03 +55,000 (inc)
+330,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
575 Register to Supply Data
12 Castle 12 30K Food
42K Stone
42K Timber
25K Ore
11:28:54 +70,000 (inc)
+400,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
7.0% (cum)
806 Register to Supply Data
13 Castle 13 46K Food
62K Stone
62K Timber
37K Ore
13:12:14 +90,000 (inc)
+490,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
8.0% (cum)
1,128 Register to Supply Data
14 Castle 14 69K Food
93K Stone
93K Timber
56K Ore
15:11:04 +110,000 (inc)
+600,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
9.0% (cum)
1,580 Register to Supply Data
15 Castle 15 103K Food
140K Stone
140K Timber
84K Ore
17:27:44 +130,000 (inc)
+730,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
2,211 Register to Supply Data
16 Castle 16 154K Food
210K Stone
210K Timber
126K Ore
20:04:54 +150,000 (inc)
+880,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
11.0% (cum)
3,095 Register to Supply Data
17 Castle 17 231K Food
315K Stone
315K Timber
189K Ore
23:05:37 +170,000 (inc)
+1,050,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
12.0% (cum)
4,334 Register to Supply Data
18 Castle 18 347K Food
473K Stone
473K Timber
284K Ore
1d 02:33:28 +200,000 (inc)
+1,250,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
13.0% (cum)
6,067 Register to Supply Data
19 Castle 19 520K Food
709K Stone
709K Timber
426K Ore
1d 06:32:29 +200,000 (inc)
+1,450,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
14.0% (cum)
8,494 Register to Supply Data
20 Castle 20 780K Food
1.06M Stone
1.06M Timber
638K Ore
1d 11:07:21 +200,000 (inc)
+1,650,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
11,892 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Supply CapacitySupply Tax ReductionSupply Troop Travel
Leader XP Might Description Action
21 Castle 21 1.17M Food
1.60M Stone
1.60M Timber
958K Ore
1d 21:39:34 +200,000 (inc)
+1,850,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
16.0% (cum)
16,648 Register to Supply Data
22 Castle 22 1.76M Food
2.39M Stone
2.39M Timber
1.44M Ore
3d 01:03:18 +200,000 (inc)
+2,050,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
17.0% (cum)
23,308 Register to Supply Data
23 Castle 23 2.63M Food
3.59M Stone
3.59M Timber
2.15M Ore
5d 11:29:55 +200,000 (inc)
+2,250,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
18.0% (cum)
32,630 Register to Supply Data
24 +250,000 (inc)
+2,500,000 (cum)
1.0% (inc)
19.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
25 +500,000 (inc)
+3,000,000 (cum)
3.0% (inc)
22.0% (cum)
100.0% (inc)
100.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
Total Castle 23 7.90M Food
10.77M Stone
10.77M Timber
6.46M Ore
19d 14:43:08 +3,000,000 22.0% 100.0% 114,148

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