All information about the research project Sharpened Axe II in Kingdoms Mobile including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Lumber Production Lord XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Academy 6
Cellar I 1
9.5K Food
13K Lumber
380.0 Ore
00:33:30 4.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
70 3.0
2 Academy 6 10K Food
15K Lumber
420.0 Ore
00:41:41 2.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
87 3.0
3 Academy 6 11K Food
16K Lumber
455.0 Ore
00:49:34 3.0% (inc)
9.0% (cum)
103 3.0
4 Academy 7 12K Food
17K Lumber
495.0 Ore
00:57:27 3.0% (inc)
12.0% (cum)
119 3.0
5 Academy 7 13K Food
19K Lumber
530.0 Ore
01:05:19 3.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
6 Academy 7 14K Food
20K Lumber
565.0 Ore
01:13:11 3.0% (inc)
18.0% (cum)
152 3.0
7 Academy 8 15K Food
21K Lumber
605.0 Ore
01:21:04 3.0% (inc)
21.0% (cum)
168 3.0
8 Academy 8 16K Food
22K Lumber
640.0 Ore
01:28:58 3.0% (inc)
24.0% (cum)
184 3.0
9 Academy 8 17K Food
24K Lumber
680.0 Ore
01:36:51 3.0% (inc)
27.0% (cum)
201 3.0
10 Academy 9 18K Food
25K Lumber
715.0 Ore
01:44:44 3.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
217 3.0
Total Academy 9
Cellar I 1
137K Food
192K Lumber
5.5K Ore
11:32:19 30.0% 1,301 2.7

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