All information about the building Flagship Dock in Infinite Galaxy including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Battle Power increase and boosts.

This special dock produces and repairs Flagships. Upgrade to increase the Repair Speed of Flagships.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Flagship Repair
Max Flagship Level Commander XP Battle Power Description Action
1 Command Center 1 895.0 Titanium Steel
613.0 Deuterium
00:00:05 2.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+2 (cum)
2 Command Center 2 1.8K Titanium Steel
1.2K Deuterium
00:00:10 2.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+4 (cum)
3 Command Center 3 3.5K Titanium Steel
2.4K Deuterium
00:02:04 2.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+6 (cum)
4 Command Center 4 4.7K Titanium Steel
3.2K Deuterium
00:06:40 2.0% (inc)
8.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+8 (cum)
5 2.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+10 (cum)
258 Register to Supply Data
6 Command Center 6 7.5K Deuterium 00:16:31 2.0% (inc)
12.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+12 (cum)
7 Command Center 7 18K Titanium Steel
13K Deuterium
00:33:04 2.0% (inc)
14.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+14 (cum)
8 2.0% (inc)
16.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+16 (cum)
1,491 Register to Supply Data
9 Command Center 9 55K Titanium Steel
38K Deuterium
01:37:39 2.0% (inc)
18.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+18 (cum)
10 Command Center 10 92K Titanium Steel
63K Deuterium
02:32:48 2.0% (inc)
20.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+20 (cum)
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Flagship Repair
Max Flagship Level Commander XP Battle Power Description Action
11 Command Center 11
Military Dock 10
168K Titanium Steel
116K Deuterium
03:51:20 2.0% (inc)
22.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+22 (cum)
12 Command Center 12
Military Dock 11
214K Titanium Steel
148K Deuterium
05:15:17 2.0% (inc)
24.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+24 (cum)
13 Command Center 13
Military Dock 12
396K Titanium Steel
274K Deuterium
07:00:10 2.0% (inc)
26.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+26 (cum)
14 Command Center 14
Military Dock 13
534K Titanium Steel
368K Deuterium
09:11:29 2.0% (inc)
28.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+28 (cum)
15 Command Center 15
Military Dock 14
852K Titanium Steel
588K Deuterium
12:09:31 2.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+30 (cum)
16 Command Center 16
Military Dock 15
1.11M Titanium Steel
764K Deuterium
138K Nickel Steel
16:00:40 2.0% (inc)
32.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+32 (cum)
17 Command Center 17
Military Dock 16
1.78M Titanium Steel
1.23M Deuterium
221K Nickel Steel
21:03:16 2.0% (inc)
34.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+34 (cum)
18 Command Center 18
Military Dock 17
2.33M Titanium Steel
1.61M Deuterium
290K Nickel Steel
1d 03:38:46 2.0% (inc)
36.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+36 (cum)
19 Command Center 19
Military Dock 18
2.98M Titanium Steel
2.06M Deuterium
371K Nickel Steel
1d 10:04:17 2.0% (inc)
38.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+38 (cum)
20 Command Center 20
Military Dock 19
3.79M Titanium Steel
2.62M Deuterium
472K Nickel Steel
1d 17:18:21 2.0% (inc)
40.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+40 (cum)
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Flagship Repair
Max Flagship Level Commander XP Battle Power Description Action
21 Command Center 21
Military Dock 20
4.75M Titanium Steel
3.28M Deuterium
591K Nickel Steel
408K Plasma
2d 01:19:48 2.0% (inc)
42.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+42 (cum)
22 Command Center 22
Military Dock 21
6.86M Titanium Steel
4.74M Deuterium
853K Nickel Steel
590K Plasma
2d 09:49:23 2.0% (inc)
44.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+44 (cum)
23 Command Center 23 8.30M Titanium Steel
5.70M Deuterium
1,000K Nickel Steel
719K Plasma
2d 18:44:03 2.0% (inc)
46.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+46 (cum)
24 2.0% (inc)
48.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+48 (cum)
32,880 Register to Supply Data
25 2.0% (inc)
50.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+50 (cum)
37,274 Register to Supply Data
26 2.0% (inc)
52.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+52 (cum)
41,503 Register to Supply Data
27 2.0% (inc)
54.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+54 (cum)
44,865 Register to Supply Data
28 2.0% (inc)
56.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+56 (cum)
48,970 Register to Supply Data
29 2.0% (inc)
58.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+58 (cum)
53,203 Register to Supply Data
30 2.0% (inc)
60.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+60 (cum)
59,159 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Flagship Repair
Max Flagship Level Commander XP Battle Power Description Action
Total Command Center 23
Military Dock 21
34.25M Titanium Steel
23.62M Deuterium
3.94M Nickel Steel
1.72M Plasma
14d 20:35:22 60.0% +60 511,840

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