Match Master 3D (2020)

7 out of 10 stars. Seems almost identical to Match Tripple 3D.

Description What makes this match 3 of a kind stand out from similar games is that instead of choosing from tiles placed in a grid you have to select 3 identical items from a big pile, and often items don't have the same side up, so it becomes harder to recognize them as the same. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Xiao Zhao
Reviewed on Apr 6, 2021

Match Triple 3D (2020)

7 out of 10 stars. The concept stands out and is well done, but when a game developer decides to interrupt single levels multiple times to show ads, is it still a free game?

Match Triple 3D - Tutorial and Review

03/07/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Match Triple 3D.

Description What makes this match 3 of a kind stand out from similar games is that instead of choosing from tiles placed in a grid you have to select 3 identical items from a big pile, and the items are often rotated, so that it becomes harder to recognize them as the same. (More Info)
Gaming Studio Lihuhu Pte. Ltd.
Reviewed on Mar 3, 2021

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